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Paulie was an expert driver and traffic going into the city was light at this time

In the afternoon, so the early winter darkness was just beginning to fall when they

Arrived. There was no small talk in the car. Clemenza directed Paulie to drive up

To the Washington Heights section. He checked a few apartment buildings and

Told him to park near Arthur Avenue and wait. He also left Rocco Lampone in the

Car. He went into the Vera Mario Restaurant and had a light dinner of veal and

salad, nodding his hello's to some acquaintances. After an hour had gone by he

Walked the several blocks to where the car was parked and entered it. Gatto and

Lampone were still waiting. "Shit," Clemenza said, "they want us back in Long

Beach. They got some other job for us now. Sonny says we can let this one go

until later. Rocco, you live in the city, can we drop you off?"

29 Rocco said quietly, "I have my car out at your place and my old lady needs it

first thing in the morning."

30 "That's right," Clemenza said. "Then you have to come back with us, after


Again on the ride back to Long Beach nothing was said. On the stretch of

road that led into the city, Clemenza said suddenly, "Paulie, pull over, I gotta take

a leak." From working together so long, Gatto knew the fat caporegime had a

Weak bladder. He had often made such a request. Gatto pulled the car off the

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 300 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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