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Making more money, he might have been able to resist the blandishments of the

Wily Turk, Sollozzo.

Clemenza finally narrowed down the list of candidates to three men. The first

Was an enforcer who worked with the colored policy bankers in Harlem, a big

Brawny brute of a man of great physical strength, a man with a great deal of

Personal charm who could get along with people and yet when necessary make

Them go in fear of him. But Clemenza scratched him off the list after considering

His name for a half hour. This man got along too well with the black people, which

Hinted at some flaw of character. Also he would be too hard to replace in the

Position he now held.

The second name Clemenza considered and almost settled on was a hard-

Working chap who served faithfully and well in the organization. This man was the

Collector of delinquent accounts for Family-licensed shylocks in Manhattan. He

had started off as a bookmaker's runner. But he was not quite yet ready for such

An important promotion.

Finally he settled on Rocco Lampone. Lampone had served a short but

Impressive apprenticeship in the Family. During the war he had been wounded in

Africa and been discharged in 1943. Because of the shortage of young men,

Clemenza had taken him on even though Lampone was partially incapacitated by

His injuries and walked with a pronounced limp. Clemenza had used him as a

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 259 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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