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Taking this personal, The Don would consider it a purely business dispute

Sollozzo is the key. Get rid of Sollozzo and everything falls in line. You don't have

to go after the Tattaglias."

10 Sonny looked at his two caporegimes. Tessio shrugged. "It's tricky," he said.

Clemenza didn't answer at all.

11 Sonny said to Clemenza, "One thing we can take care of without discussion. I

don't want Paulie around here anymore. Make that first on your list." The fat

caporegime nodded.

12 Hagen said, "What about Luca? Sollozzo didn't seem worried about Luca.

That worries me. If Luca sold us out, we're in real trouble. That's the first thing we

have to know. Has anybody been able to get in touch with him?"

13 "No," Sonny said. "I've been calling him all night. Maybe he's shacked up."

14 "No," Hagen said. "He never sleeps over with a broad. He always goes home

when he's through. Mike, keep ringing his number until you get an answer."

Michael dutifully picked up the phone and dialed. He could hear the phone ringing

on the other end but no one answered. Finally he hung up. "Keep trying every

fifteen minutes," Hagen said.

15 Sonny said impatiently, "OK, Tom you're the Consigliori, how about some

advice? What the hell do you think we should do?"

16 Hagen helped himself to the whiskey bottle on the desk. "We negotiate with

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 275 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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