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Father, the other New York Families might wind up supporting the Tattaglias and

Sollozzo just to make sure there isn't a long destructive war. If your father dies,

make the deal. Then wait and see."

21 Sonny was white-faced with anger. "That's easy for you to say, it's not your

father they killed."

22 Hagen said quickly and proudly, "I was as good a son to him as you or Mike,

maybe better. I'm giving you a professional opinion. Personally I want to kill all

those bastards." The emotion in his voice shamed Sonny, who said, "Oh, Christ,

Tom, I didn't mean it that way." But he had, really. Blood was blood and nothing

Else was its equal.

Sonny brooded for a moment as the others waited in embarrassed silence.

Then he sighed and spoke quietly. "OK, we'll sit tight until the old man can give

us the lead. But, Tom, I want you to stay inside the mall, too. Don't take any

chances. Mike, you be careful, though I don't think even Sollozzo would bring

Personal family into the war. Everybody would be against him then. But be careful.

Tessio, you hold your people in reserve but have them nosing around the city.

Clemenza, after you settle the Paulie Gatto thing, you move your men into the

house and the mall to replace Tessio's people. Tessio, you keep your men at the

Hospital, though. Tom, start negotiation over the phone or by messenger with

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 307 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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