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Other Families would never let me start a war a couple of years later just for

revenge. Also, the Tattaglia Family is behind him."

42 "If they had gotten the old man, what would you have done?" Michael asked.

43 Sonny said very simply, "Sollozzo is dead meat. I don't care what it costs. I

don't care if we have to fight all the five families in New York. The Tattaglia Family

is going to be wiped out. I don't care if we all go down together."

44 Michael said softly, "That's not how Pop would have played it."

Sonny made a violent gesture. "I know I'm not the man he was. But I'll tell you this

and he'll tell you too. When it comes to real action I can operate as good as

Anybody, short-range. Sollozzo knows that and so do Clemenza and Tessio, I

'made my bones' when I was nineteen, the last time the Family had a war, and I

was a big help to the old man. So I'm not worried now. And our Family has all the

horses in a deal like this. I just wish we could get contact with Luca."

45 Michael asked curiously, "Is Luca that tough, like they say? Is he that good?"

46 Sonny nodded. "He's in a class by himself. I’m going to send him after the

three Tattaglias. I'll get Sollozzo myself."

Michael shifted uneasily in his chair. He looked at his older brother. He

Remembered Sonny as being sometimes casually brutal but essentially

Warmhearted. A nice guy. It seemed unnatural to hear him talking this way, it was

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 292 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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