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Too had a pencil and pad in his hands

10 When Sonny saw them he came from behind his desk and took Hagen's wife

in his arms. "Don't worry, Theresa," he said. "Tom's OK. They just wanta give him

the proposition, they said they'd turn him loose (отпустят). He's not on the

operating end, he's just our lawyer. There's no reason for anybody to do him


11 He released Theresa and then to Michael's surprise he too, got a hug and a

kiss on the cheek. He pushed Sonny away and said grinning, "After I get used to

you beating me up I gotta put up with this?" They had often fought when they

Were younger.

12 Sonny shrugged. "Listen, kid, I was worried when I couldn't get ahold of you

in that hick town. Not that I gave a crap if they knocked you off, but I didn't like

the idea of bringing the news to the old lady. I had to tell her about Pop."

13 "How'd she take it?" Michael asked.

14 "Good," Sonny said. "She's been through it before. Me too. You were too

Young to know about it and then things got pretty smooth while you were

growing up." He paused and then said, "She's down at the hospital with the old

man. He's gonna pull through."

15 "How about us going down?" Michael asked.

16 Sonny shook his head and said dryly, "I can't leave this house until it's all

over." The phone rang. Sonny picked it up and listened intently. While he was

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 320 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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