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Had been intimate friends for over twenty years. He held one of the most powerful

posts in the organization. What could Clemenza gain for betraying his Don? More

money? He was rich enough but then men are always greedy. More power?

Revenge for some fancied insult or slight? That Hagen had been made the

Consigliori? Or perhaps a businessman's conviction that Sollozzo would win out?

No, it was impossible for Clemenza to be a traitor, and then Michael thought sadly

it was only impossible because he didn't want Clemenza to die. The fat man had

Always brought him gifts when he was growing up, had sometimes taken him on

Outings when the Don had been too busy. He could not believe that Clemenza

Was guilty of treachery.

But, on the other hand, Sollozzo would want Clemenza in his pocket more

Than any other man in the Corleone Family.

Michael thought about Paulie Gatto. Paulie as yet had not become rich. He

Was well thought of, his rise in the organization was certain but he would have to

Put in his time like everybody else. Also he would have wilder dreams of power,

As the young always do. It had to be Paulie. And then Michael remembered that in

the sixth grade he and Paulie had been in the same class in school and he didn't

Want it to be Paulie either.

27 He shook his head. "Neither one of them," he said. But he said it only

Because Sonny had said he had the answer. If it had been a vote, he would have

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 288 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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