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Went to sit down behind the desk

19 "You hang around me, Mike," he said, "you're gonna hear things you don't

wanta hear."

20 Michael lit a cigarette. "I can help out," he said.

21 "No, you can't," Sonny said. "The old man would be sore as hell if I let you

get mixed up in this."

22 Michael stood up and yelled. "You lousy bastard, he's my father. I'm not

supposed to help him? I can help. I don't have to go out and kill people but I can

help. Stop treating me like a kid brother. I was in the war. I got shot, remember? I

killed some Japs. What the hell do you think I'll do when you knock somebody off?


23 Sonny grinned at him. "Pretty soon you'll want me to put up my dukes. OK,

stick around, you can handle the phone." He turned to Tessio. "That call I just got

gave me dope we needed." He turned to Michael. "Somebody had to finger the old

Man. It could have been Clemenza, it could have been Paulie Gatto, who was very

conveniently sick today. I know the answer now, let's see how smart you are,

Mike, you're the college boy. Who sold out to Sollozzo?"

Michael sat down again and relaxed back into the leather armchair. He

thought everything over very carefully. Clemenza was a caporegime in the

Corleone Family structure. Don Corleone had made him a millionaire and they

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 313 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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