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Any power transformer of current or voltage consists of the primary winding, the secondary winding (there may be several) and ferromagnetic core, which serves as the magnetic holding. Three-phase transformers are equipped with a surge protector with three phases that can withstand considerable loads on the grid. High transformers are often three-phase transformers, but their main feature is that they can cope with loads up to 110 kV. Typically, three-phase transformers have a definite purpose, they either increase or decrease. In practical design of the transformer manufacturer chooses between two different basic concepts: core or armor. However, each of these concepts does not affect the productivity or reliability of the transformer operation, but there are significant differences in their manufacturing process.
Three-phase transformers can have different schemes of connections of primary and secondary windings. All the beginnings of the transformer primary windings are denoted by large letters: A, B, C; the beginnings of the secondary windings - small letters a, b, c. Ends of the windings are designated respectively: X, Y, Z and x, y, z. Clip of the derived zero point in star connection is denoted by the letter O.
The connections of the windings on the scheme "star” (Y) and the "triangle» (D) is widespread. In this case the primary and secondary windings may be both identical and different schemes. If in the winding connection by "star" zero point is displayed, the connection is called a "zero star " (Yо).
Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!