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UNIT 2. Chapters 2-3

Give the Russian equivalents for the following words.

condescended (vb.): To condescend is to agree to do something that you believe to be beneath your dignity. Jem condescends to take Scout to school, even though, as a fifth-grader, he feels superior to his first-grade sister.

covey (n.): a group

crimson (adj.): blood-red

cunning (adj.): In this case, cunning means attractive or cute -- almost too cute

entailment (n.): a legal situation regarding the use of inherited property.

hookworms (n.): a type of parasite. Hookworms usually enter the body through bare feet and move through the body to the small intestines where they attach themselves with a series of hooks around their mouths.

indigenous (adj.): belonging to a particular region or country

scrip stamps (n.): paper money of small denominations (less than $1.00) issued for temporary emergency use. During the Great depression, many local and state government gave out scrip stamps, or sometimes tokens, to needy people.

seceded (vb.): To secede is to break away. During the Civil War, Alabama was one of the states that broke away, or seceded from the Union.

smilax (n.): a bright green twinning vine, often used for holiday decorations. sojourn (n.): a brief visit

subsequent mortification (adj. + n.): Something that is subsequent will follow closely after something else. Mortification is a feeling of shame or the loss of self respect. If Scout had been able to explain things to Miss Caroline, she could have prevented her teacher from losing self respect of feeling shameful later on.

wallowing illicitly (vb. + adv.): In this case, to wallow is to indulge in something (usually an activity) with great enjoyment. Illicit, used like this, means unauthorized or improper. After listening to Miss Caroline, Scout feels that, by reading, she has

contemptuous (adj.): To be contemptuous is to have the feeling that someone or something is beneath you; that it or they are worthless. The Ewell boy obviously feels this way about his teacher, Miss Caroline.

cootie (n.): a slang term for a head louse. A louse (plural: lice) is a bloodsucking parasite.

cracklin bread (n.): a type of cornbread mixed with cracklins (bits of fried pork skin).

diminutive (adj.): smaller than ordinary

disapprobation (n.): disapproval

discernible (adj.): understandable

dispensation (n.): a release from an obligation or promise. In this case, by offering friendship to Walter and promising that Scout won't fight with him, Jem dispenses her threat to fight with him more.

eddy (n.): a current of water that moves against the main current; a whirlpool

erratic (adj.): irregular. Calpurnia usually uses good grammar, but when she is angry, her grammar is irregular.

flinty (adj.): Flint is a very hard rock. Something that is flinty is extremely hard and firm.

fractious (adj.): mean or cross

haint (n.): a ghost or spook; someone or something very scary

irked (v.): to be irked is to be annoyed. Scout is annoyed when Jem tells Walter that she won't fight with him (Walter) anymore.

lye soap (n.): Lye is a very strong alkaline substance used for cleaning. Lye soap is very strong, harsh soap that contains lye.

onslaught (n.): a violent attack

persevere (v.): to carry on in spite of difficulties

tranquility (n.): peacefulness; serenity

Words and word combinations for intensive study.

auburn (adj.) haze(v.,n.)

pat (v.) vex(v.), vexation(n.)

recess(n.) begrudge(n.)

amiable(adj.) felony (n.)

hog (n.) misdemeanor (n.)

molasses(v.) overalls(n.)

wallow (v., n.) contentious(adj.)

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