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Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the right form of the infinitive

1. Ann is said... at school for six years already.

a) to work b) to be working
c) to have been worked d) to be worked
e) to have been working  

2. This major is known... from our Institute seven years ago.

a) to graduate b) to have graduated
c) to be graduated d) to have been graduated
e) to have been graduating  

3. The weather is likely....

a) to change b) to be changing
c) to have changed d) to have been changing
e) to have been changed  

4. They are sure... to her party.

a) to invite b) to have invited
c) to be inviting d) to be invited
e) to have been inviting  

5. The house was reported... more than a century ago.

a) to be built b) to be building
c) to have built d) to build
e) to have been built  

Exercise 6. Transform the sentences according to the pattern.

0) It is expected that he is working at the problem now. He is expected to be

working at the problem now.

1) It is considered that he is the best chess player of the University.

2) It seems that the weather will change for the better.

3) It is known that they have taken part in the conference.

4) It is expected that he will come tomorrow.

6. It was reported that the delegation had visited some places of interest in the city.

5) It is thought that English is a heavy-reading subject.

6) It is said that her book has already been published.

7) It is unlikely that she will pass all exams successfully.

8) It is likely that he will leave for the USA soon.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 679 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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