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Exercise 3. Match the sentences to their English equivalents

1. Я думаю, что она читает эту газету. (вообще, часто)

a) I think her to have read this newspaper.

b) I think her to be reading this newspaper.

c) I think her to be read this newspaper.

d) I think her to have been read this newspaper.

e) I think her to read this newspaper.

2. Она хотела, чтобы его представили мне.

a) She wanted to introduce him to me.

b) She wanted to be introduced to me.

c) She wanted him to introduce me.

d) She wanted him to be introduced to me.

e) She wanted me to be introduced to him.

3. Я полагаю, что им рассказали об этом.

a) I suppose them to have told her about it.

b) I suppose them to tell me about it.

c) I suppose them to be told about it,

d) I suppose them to be telling him about it

e) I suppose them to have been told about it.

4. Все считали его хорошим начальником караула.

a) Everybody considers him to be a good company officer.

b) Everybody considered him to have been a good company officer.

c) Everybody considered him to be a good company officer.

d) Everybody considers him to have been a good company officer

e) Everybody considered her to be a good company officer.

5. Мы видели, что они играют в шахматы.

a) We saw them playing chess.

b) We saw them play chess

c) We see them play chess.

d) We see them playing chess.

e) We'll see them play chess.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 358 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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