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Exercise 4. Match the sentences to their Russian equivalents

1. Говорят, её часто приглашают в кино.

a) She is said to have been invited to the cinema.

b) She was said to have been often invited to the cinema.

c) She was said to be often invited to the cinema.

d) She is said to be often invited to the cinema.

e) She is said to have often invited to the cinema.

2. Маловероятно, что они уже перевели текст.

a) They are unlikely to translate the text.

b) They are unlikely to be translating the text.

c) They are unlikely to have translated the text.

d) They are likely to be translating the text.

e) They are likely to have translated the text.

3. Предполагают, что он переведёт книгу на русский язык.

a) He is expected to be translating the book into Russian.

b) He is expected to have translated the book into Russian.

c) He was expected to translate the book into Russian.

d) He was expected to have translated the book into Russian.

e) He is expected to translate the book into Russian.

4. Оказалось, он был хорошим пожарным.

a) He proved to be a good fireman.

b) He proved to have been a good fireman.

c) He proves to be a good fireman.

d) He proves to have been a good fireman.

e) He proved to have been a bad fireman.

5. Известно, что он уехал в Канаду.

a) He is said to have left for Canada.

b) He is expected to have left for Canada.

c) He is likely to have left for Canada.

d) He is supposed to have left for Canada.

e) He is known to have left for Canada.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 442 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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