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Exercises. Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences

Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences.

1) For me to come to you is impossible.

2) We waited for him to come.

3) She wanted so much for her friend to be happy.

4) I’ll re-read the rule for you to understand it better.

5) It is difficult to translate this text because he does not know many words.

6) It was very strange for her to have said it.

7) She bought some toys for the child to play with.

8) The problem was too difficult for them to solve.

9) The text is easy for you to translate it without a dictionary.

10) For this article to be published next month you must have it typed as soon as possible.

11) Here is another very vital problem for a specialist to explain.

12) It is necessary for you to write the letter in English.

Formation of nouns (Образование существительных)

Существительные в английском языке образуются:

1) с помощью приставок;

2) с помощью суффиксов;

3) сложением основ;

4) с помощью конверсии.

Префиксальное образование существительных

dis- mis- co- counter- sub- re- auto- vice- disbelief (неверие) misbehaviour (плохое поведение) copilot (второй пилот) counteraction (противодействие) subway (метро) re-count (пересчет) autobiography (автобиография) vice-president (вице-президент)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 417 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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