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Chemists and materials scientists – what they do

1. Translate the following text in written form:

2. Background analysis: explain the underlying words in English using an English-English Dictionary

Everything in the environment, whether naturally occurring or of human design, is composed of chemicals. Chemists and materials scientists search for new knowledge about chemicals and use it to improve life. Chemical research has led to the discovery and development of new and improved synthetic fibers, paints, adhesives, drugs, cosmetics, electronic components, lubricants, and thousands of other products. Chemists and materials scientists also develop processes such as improved oil refining and petrochemical processing that save energy and reduce pollution. Many chemists and materials scientists work in research and development (R&D). In basic research, they investigate the properties, composition, and structure of matter and the laws that govern the combination of elements and reactions of substances to each other. In applied R&D, these scientists create new products and processes or improve existing ones, often using knowledge gained from basic research.

Developments in technology and the use of computers have allowed chemists and materials scientists to practice new, more efficient techniques, such as combinatorial chemistry. This technique makes and tests large quantities of chemical compounds simultaneously to find those with certain desired properties. Combinatorial chemistry allows chemists to produce thousands of compounds more quickly and less expensively than was formerly possible. In some cases, chemists use virtual libraries of millions of chemicals to find compounds with certain characteristics, allowing them to synthesize only the most promising candidates.

Chemists often specialize in a particular branch of the field. Analytical chemists determine the structure, composition, and nature of substances by examining and identifying their various elements or compounds. These chemists are crucial to the pharmaceutical industry because pharmaceutical companies need to know the identity of compounds that they hope to turn into drugs. Furthermore, analytical chemists develop techniques and study the relationships and interactions among the parts of compounds. They also identify the presence and concentration of chemical pollutants in water, soil, and the air. Organic chemists study the chemistry of the vast number of carbon compounds that make up all living things. They synthesize elements or simple compounds to create new compounds or substances that have different properties and applications. These compounds have in turn been used to develop many commercial products, such as drugs, plastics, and elastomers. Inorganic chemists study compounds consisting mainly of elements other than carbon, such as those in electronic components. Physical and theoretical chemists study the physical characteristics of atoms and molecules and the theoretical properties of matter; and they investigate how chemical reactions work. Their research may result in new and better energy sources. Macromolecular chemists study the behavior of atoms and molecules. Medicinal chemists study the structural properties of compounds intended for applications to human medicine.

Materials chemists study and develop new materials to improve existing products or make new ones. In fact, virtually all chemists are involved in this quest in one way or another. The work of materials chemists is similar to, but separate from, the work of materials scientists. Materials scientists tend to have a more interdisciplinary background, as they apply the principles of physics and engineering as well as chemistry to study all aspects of materials. Chemistry, however, plays the primary role in materials science because it provides information about the structure and composition of materials. Materials scientists study the structures and chemical properties of various materials to develop new products or enhance existing ones. They also determine ways to strengthen or combine materials or develop new materials for use in a variety of products. Materials science encompasses the natural and synthetic materials used in a wide range of products and structures, from airplanes, cars, and bridges to clothing and household goods. Materials scientists often specialize in a specific type of material, such as ceramics or metals.

Open the brackets using the Perfect Tenses.

1. I (finish) _____________ my research by the end of the next year.

2. We thought that the city (make) _____________ a great impression on you.

3. I (do) _____________ my best to master English this term

4. My mother (answer, negative) _____________ the letter yet.

5. We (write) _____________ out test paper already.

6. They (solve, negative) _____________ the problem yet.

7. He (collect) _____________ some information we needed on the Internet.

8. Over time some bacteria (become) _____________ resistant to penicillin.

9. Life expectancy in the developed world (increase) _____________ significantly by the end of the 20th century.

10. I (read) _____________ the book by the time it is due back to the library.

11. There were other uncertainties that you (take, negative) _____________ into account.

12. They (refuse) _____________ to answer the further questions.

13. Much (change) _____________ since his last visit.

14. We (pay) _____________ always particular attention to the theoretical aspects of chemistry.

15. They (finish, negative) _____________ the research until the next month.

16. He (give) _____________ us an interesting piece of information before the discussion took place.

Complete the dialogue, using Perfect Tenses

Kate: Have you ever.......... to New York?
Sophie: New York? No I've never.......... there. Have you?
Kate: Yes. In fact I've just.......... back from there. I'm doing some consultancy work there and I've.......... at least six weeks there in the last year.
Sophie: That sounds fabulous. Have you.......... to the top of the Empire State Building?
Kate: No, I.......... yet. I haven't.......... the ferry to Ellis Island either. I've just.......... work so hard. Though I have.......... dinner at Sardi's and.......... a Broadway show.


Can you summarize the information from the text using the scheme:

Exercise 1: Identify the objects or processes shown in the pictures. Describe the subjects involved.

    Thermometric scale Chemical reaction Condensation Atomic structure  

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with one of the words or phrases given:

  to remove condensation gas temperature   melting compound sublimation physical change    

1. …. is the process of snow and ice changing into water vapor in the air without first melting into water.

2. … is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water..

3. … and boiling are considered to be physical changes of a substance.

4. Oxygen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless … which appears in great amounts on Earth, trapped by the atmosphere.

5. The most abundant …in the human body is water, which constitutes 45% - 75% by weight.

6. Climate, … and intake of drugs affect the amount of water in the body.

7. … do not mean a change in the composition and properties of the substance.

8. It is necessary … impurities before the beginning of the experiment.

Exercise 3: Complete the text using the words and phrases:

  The Water Cycle journey circulates make up liquid changed roots of plants process hail absorbed evaporation purified important rivers precipitation absorbed run out of special occurs atmospheric pressure snow    

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 771 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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