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Exercise 31 Complete the sentences

will have synthesized will have worked will have opened has developed had elaborated
had become have made has helped will have established shall have achieved
has completed have been has formulated has given had collected

1. We … many important observations since that time.

2. Chromatography … up new fields of medical research.

3. For fifty years the institute … and brought into use some 200 medicinal preparations.

4. They … a new carbon compound by the New Year.

5. He … just his experiments on medicinal properties of some plants.

6. Zelinsky and his colleagues … new methods for synthesizing a large number of new compounds by the end of the last century.

7. She … at this problem after graduating from the Institute.

8. They … the impurities in the drug of plant origin by special methods.

9. I … never … to London.

10. By the end of our studies at the Academy we … good knowledge the technology of making medicines, pharmaceutical chemistry and organization and economy of pharmacy.

11. Chemical analysis … chemists to discover very many of the elements existing on the Earth.

12. Philosophy … long ago … the dialectical principle of the transition of quantity into quality.

13. The lecture … several examples of the Moscow scientists international Universities.

14. Science … an object of particular care of the Government by 1901.

15. The first year pharmacy students … some lily of the valley by July last year.

During the lesson we’ve study properties of matter. Make a short report about Structure and Properties of Matter. You may do it as a “PowerPoint Presentation”, assay, portfolio etc.


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1061 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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