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Summary:Water is a chemical substance that has many unique properties. Many of these properties are based on its molecules’ ability to form hydrogen bonds

Exercise 11: Answer the following questions:

1. Why do we say that water is really substance № 1 in our life?

2. What would our world or life be like without water?

3. Can you name and describe the invention made by Celsius?

4. What does chemistry study?

5. Why may water be called oxygen hydride?

6. What are the unique properties of water?

7. What is water’s structure?

8. How does the water’s structure cause water’s unique properties?

Exercise 12: Make your own short report about remarkable chemical compound called water.

Exercise 13: You know that many English words are polysemantic. Can you find equivalents to the following words:


intelligent несоответствующий (чему-л.), необычный
anomalous таблица
table расположение, систематизация
arrangement резко выраженный, четкий, явный
pronounced умный, разумный, здравый


the law of the Periodic table specifies Они устроены особым образом.
They have the same molecular pattern. к тому же
to possess a pronounced ability to do smth Вода это требование нарушает.
anomalous compound разумная жизнь
The boiling points of these compounds are known to gradate. переход в парообразное состояние
for this reason закон периодической системы предписывает
intelligent life обладать ярко выраженной способностью
as it were Они имеют одинаковое строение молекул.
transition to the vapour state по этой причине
Water violates this requirement необычное соединение
nowadays в этом отношении
They have a specific arrangement. в наши дни
in this respect Известно, что точки кипения этих соединений изменяются.

Exercise 14:

Listen to the song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdNecurRAYI and:

1. Try to tell in Russian the main idea of the song;

2. Sing the song together with the authors; try to give a short translation of it.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 566 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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