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Mix and Match

1.I have lost my copy-book in chemistry. a)I’ve fix it.
2.I don’t know what time is it. b)I have been to London many times.
3.I haven’t got the books. c)She’s gone out.
4.It his birthday. d)My watch has stopped.
5.It’ s working fine now. e)but they hadn’t even started.
6.He’s decided to get fit. f)I’ve prepared the report.
7.I know English very well. g)I have left them at home.
8.I’m sorry, she’s not here. h)But he had already got one.
9.It was nice to see Richard again. i)I have made him a cake.
10.I went to see if the students had finished the laboratory work. j)I’d had a huge lunch.
11.When I got home I realized. k)she had already left.
12.By the time I got to her study. l)I can’t find it anywhere.
13.We are going to the conference in biology. m)I had left the door open.
14.I wasn’t hungry in the evening. n)He’s started running twice a week.
15.I bought him a book. o)I hadn’t seen him for ages.

2. Put the verb into a right form:

1. For fifty years the Institute (to develop - Present Perfect Active) and brought into use some 200 medicinal preparations.

2. Chromatography(to open - Future Perfect Active) up new fields of medicinal research.

3. The scientists(to elaborate - Past Perfect Active) new methods for synthesizing a large number of new compounds by the end of the last century.

4. By the end of our studies at the Academy we (to acquire- Future Perfect Active) deep knowledge of pharmacy.

5. This season we (to gather- Present Perfect Active) many medicinal plants.

6. Chemical analysis (to help - Present Perfect Active) chemists to discover many elements existing on the Earth.

7. A dispensing pharmacist(to take- Future Perfect Active) the prescription and check the compatibility оf its ingredients.

8. The medicinal substance (to preserve - Past Perfect Active) its properties by the end of the experiment.

9. Lately our scientists (to evolve - Present Perfect Active) new method of extracting sugars from carbohydrates.

10. The scientists (to prove - Present Perfect Active) the importance of the method.



1.1. Observing Matter Encyclopedic knowledge

1.2. Around the words Crossword (self-studying)

1.3. A Letter Spelling

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 532 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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