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Use this completion exercise to check your understanding of the concepts and terms that are introduced. Each blank can be completed with a term, short phrase, or number

Properties used to describe matter can be classified as ___1.__ or. The of an object is a measure of the amount of __2. __matter the object contains. The of an object is a measure of _3._the space occupied by the object. An extensive property is one that_4._ depends on the of matter. An intensive property is one that _5.__ depends on the of matter. _6._ A is matter that has uniform and definite composition. __7__.A solid has a definite ___8___and __9__ A liquid has a definite volume, but takes the __10__of its container. A __11_ takes both the shape and volume of its container 1__________________ 2__________________ 3__________________ 4__________________ 5__________________ 6__________________ 7__________________ 8__________________ 9__________________ 10________________ 11_________________

Write the following addresses in block style

1. You: Helen Dullwit, Travel agent

Your address: Easten Travel Agency

12, The Crescent, Manchester, BR3 5YT

Tel: 01219-84436 Fax: 01219-97760

Date: 12.9.2008

Their Address: Blacks Computers, 7 White Blvd, Bristol

2. You: Tatyana Ryshova, Purchasing Supervisor

Your Address: 39, Grashdanskaya St.,119 357 Moscow

Their Address: Ms.Alison Brown, Sales Manager, Office Furnishings,

907 3rd Ave, New York

Date: 23.10.2008


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1018 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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