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Present simple active. They often visit their relatives


” + VWe work every day.

I dance twice a week.

They often visit their relatives.

€,,…+ Vs → He go es to work daily.

She meet s them weekly.

It eat s meet every day.


+ Vinf?
Do ” Do they work every day?

Does €,,… Does she often meet them?


+ Vinf
+ not
do +

€,,… does I

They don’t often visit their relatives.

She doesn’t meet them weekly.

Exercise 24: Put verbs into a right form:

1. I often (go) to the chemist’s shop.

2. He sometimes (ask) for my advice.

3. He (have) a lot of trouble with his heart.

4. I often (complain) of a headache.

5. His wife often (visit) her dentist.

6. Different atoms (make up) different elements.

7. The gas (combine) readily with many other elements.

8. Nitrogen (make up) 80 per cent of the air.

9. Water (cover) three-quarters of the Earth’s surface.

10. A theory usually (involve) some ideas about the nature of some part of the Universe.

11. Every science (have) its laws.

12. The periodic law (help) chemists in their work.

13. Chemistry (deal) with the changes in the composition of matter.

14. We (attend) lectures every week.

15. This student (get) bad grades.

Exercise 25: Put the following sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1. Every week we carry out many experiments.

2. He devotes his life to the development of chemistry.

3. Chemistry plays an important role in everyday life.

4. Chemical education requires practical skills.

5. I go to my academy by bus.

6. Pharmaceutical students have their practice at the end of each year.

7. Everybody knows the periodic law.

8. Scientists explain facts about atoms and their structure.

9. He creates a new theory.

10. Chemistry’s origin goes back to ancient times.

11. He has practical classes every day.

12. Sometimes we prepare our homework in English together.

13. Chemistry is a difficult subject.

14. Our group takes an active part in the scientific work of our academy.

15. She often receives letters from her parents.

Exercise 26: Translate sentences of the interview from Russian into English:

- Hello, Mister Green. Today our academy holds a conference about actual problems of modern science. What can you tell us about the event?

- Здравствуйте. Я рад присутствовать на этой конференции. Мы встречаемся ежегодно и обсуждаем насущные (pressing problem) проблемы. Сегодня, например, уже не секрет, что наша планета в опасности.

- Yes, you are quite right. I know that two hours ago you discussed antifoulant and some other modern achievements.

- Да, я считаю, что этот доклад не просто интересный, но и важный. Нужно сказать, что профессор Иванов посвящают всю свою жизнь исследованию и развитию химии. Он считает, что именно химия играет важную роль в современном мире.

- What do you think about the visual report of a student? As far as I remember his name is Simonov. He is a fifth year student and he wants to be a postgraduate student.

- Доклад оказался очень актуальным. Симонов считает, что современная химия проникает (penetrate) во все аспекты нашей жизни. Я собираюсь познакомить своих студентов в Университете Чикаго с данным докладом.

- Don't let me detain you. I know you have a lot of things to do. And in ten minutes there will be the second put of the conference. Have a blimp! I wish you every success!

- О, да, спасибо. Мне уже нужно бежать. Я хочу выступить со своим докладом во второй половине конференции.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1103 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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