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Choose the best answer to complete each sentence

1. He... speak German fluently.

2. I looked very carefully and I... make out a figure in the distance.

3. "You... visit us again some time!" my friend said.

4. You... read this book. You'll enjoy it.

5. You... see a doctor if you still feel ill tomorrow.

  A can B shall C mustn't D is to
  A must B were able to C may D could
  A needn't B 'd rather C must D don't have to
  A ought B need to C cannot D should
  A can B 'd rather C 'd better D are to

Выберите предложение, наиболее точно и грамотно передающее содержание предложения с прямой речью.

1. “I like porridge with sugar and milk,” the English woman said.

a) The English woman said that she liked to eat porridge with sugar and milk.

b) The English woman told me that he liked porridge with milk and sugar.

c) The English woman said that she would like porridge with milk and sugar.

d) The English woman said me that she liked porridge without sugar or milk.

2. “You’ve never been to a cricket match, have you?” the teacher said.

a) The teacher wondered whether had we ever been to a cricket match.

b) The teacher wanted to know had we never been to a cricket match.

c) The teacher supposed we’d never been to a cricket match.

d) The teacher asked if we’d ever seen a cricket match.

3. “You must not throw anything on the pitch,” the football fans were warned.

a) The authorities asked the fans that they must not throw anything on the pitch.

b) The fans were ordered not to throw anything on the pitch.

c) The authorities said that the fans did not have to throw anything on the pitch.

d) The fans were told didn’t throw anything on the pitch.

4. The foreigner kept asking, “What d’you call it in Russian?”

a) The foreigner wanted to know how I called it in Russian.

b) The foreigner asked what it called in Russian.

c) The foreigner is asking what do you call it in Russian.

d) The foreigner often asked what it was called in Russian.

5. “Could you tell me the time, please?” a passer-by asked.

a) A passer-by asked if I could tell the time.

b) A passer-by asked weather I would tell him the time.

c) A passer-by asked me to tell him the time.

d) A passer-by asked if could I tell him the time.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1158 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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