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  After I had fallen over for the eighth time in 25 minutes, I realized I would not be able to teach myself to ski. I had fallen forwards, backwards and to both sides. I had landed on my wrists, arms, knees, thighs and shoulders and it seemed there were no new ways left, unless I was going to be knocked down by someone else. I asked a friend what I could do to improve my technique. “Stop crashing into things,” she said, at which point I gave up. I tucked my skis under one arm, dropped them, tucked them under the other and stomped home through the snow in my very uncomfortable snow boots. Despite my anger, I booked a lesson with an instructor called Jane who was surprised that a 37-year-old could live life with no coordination. It was this disability that meant my first lesson was widely unsuccessful. The difference between skiing and sliding out of control down a steep hill is the ability to ‘snow plough’, meaning that you have to position the skis in an open V-shape with the apex parallel to your nose. If you cannot make a snow plough, you simply aren’t going to stop. I found it impossible to turn my feet to the correct angle, and when I finally did make a V-shape, it was so wide I could not move out of it! Jane was unimpressed.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 3960 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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