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It is (1) knowledge that about 80 per cent of British people live in houses and further 67 per cent own their houses or flats. Therefore, only 1/5 of the population live in rented accommodation. Apart from high-rise council houses, (2) as tower-blocks, which are very unpopular with the (3) public, there are three main types of houses in British towns: detached, semidetached and terraced.

Detached houses are usually more expensive than the other types. They are not connected on (4) side with any other building and can be found in expensive suburbs. Many British people think that a detached house is the best type of house to have.

A semidetached is a house that is one of a (5) of joined houses. Most of these houses can be found in suburbs which are (6) the town centre and have two storeys, with two rooms and a kitchen downstairs and two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.

A terraced house is part of a ‘terrace’ - a row of houses joined to each other. Many rows of terraced houses (7) for workers of factories and mines in the 19th century. Terraced houses are cheaper to buy than to rent and most of them are (8) to the town centre.

Most British houses, even smaller ones, have a garden in front of them. Sometimes it is a tiny piece of land, but people manage to grow flowers on it and (9) a lawn. Some of the people rent a larger piece of land from the local council which is called an allotment. It is possible to grow more flowers and even vegetables on an allotment. Some of the houses have back gardens as well. However, these (10) in the country only.

1. А. common B. direct C. general D. intuitive 2. A. called B. calling C. known D. named 3. A. common B. general C. great British D. wide 4. A. any B. both C. each D. every 5. A. couple B. number C. pair D. two
6. A. near B. nearer C. nearest D. next 7. A. were originally built B. have been built originally C. were being originally built D. have been building 8. A. close B. closed C. open D. opened 9. A. do B. grow C. make D. found 10. A. may find B. must be C. should have been D. can be found

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 425 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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