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A) смысловой b) вспомогательный с) глагол-связка d) модальный

1. I suggested that we should go for a walk.

2. The doctor says I should do my morning exercises.

3. How do you get to the prep-course?

4. It’s getting dark.

5. I packed my luggage carefully as I didn’t want it to get damaged.

SPELLCHECK. Complete each word with a) EI b) IE

1. n…ce 2. s…ze 3. …ght 4. n…ther 5. dec…ve

In the following text, some lines are right but some have mistakes in them. If you find a mistake in a line, write A. If there are no mistakes, write B. The first two lines have been done for you.


0 We’re having a very hard winter. A
00 The temperature often fall to zero. B
1. Today it is cold …  
2. … and it is a lot of wind.  
3. You expect a bad weather in winter.  
4. Even so, I enjoy winter weather…  
5. …and I don’t mind if it darkens early.  

Choose one word to complete each simile correctly. There is an example at the beginning.

0. AS PROUD AS … a) a lamb b) a daisy c) a peacock d) a rabbit
1. AS COOL AS … a) a beetroot b) a cucumber c) an ice-cream d) grass
2. AS CHANGEABLE AS … a) the mood b) a young girl c) the time d) the weather
3. AS FIT AS … a) a banjo b) a flute c) a fiddle d) a guitar
4. AS FLAT AS … a) a pancake b) a road c) a saucer d) a sheet
5. AS QUICK AS … a) an ambulance b) sound c) a cheetah d) lightning

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 502 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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