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А – “A” В – “AN” C – “THE” D – “-“ (zero) E – “SOME” F – “ANY”


As Maggie will be at home tomorrow, after staying (1) long time with her grandparents, (2) few of her friends will be coming to (3) dinner. Her mother is going to have (4) wonderful meal ready for them.

First there'll be (5) soup. After this there'll be (6) fish and then (7) chicken, which has just arrived from (8) country. (9) sweet will probably be (10) ice-cream.

Instructions as above.

As (1) Priestleys grow quite (2) lot of fruit in their garden, (3) visitors will be able to have (4) apples and pears to finish with.

After (5) dinner, (6) Maggie's friends will go into (7) sitting-room and there they can sit by (8) fire and talk. One of her friends plays (9) piano very well, so they can also enjoy (10) good music.

Восстановите текст, заполнив пропуски предложенными предлогами, где это необходимо.

А – “-” (nothing) В – “AT” C – “FOR” D – “IN“ E – “ON” F – “OF” G – “WITH”


Sport plays a big part (1) the British life; the British are (2) fact famous (3) their sports facilities. Sporting events (4) some kind take place both (5) weekdays and (6) weekends all the year round.

Cricket is the national summer sport and it's worth going to see a test match. Tennis, football and rugby draw crowds (7) every Saturday during the season. The major rowing event (8) the year is the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, held (9) the Thames (10) March.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 478 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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