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Complete each sentence with a) IT b) THERE

1. … will snow soon.

2. … will be snow tomorrow.

3. … seemed I could not make it.

4. … seemed to be no solution.

5. … is half an hour left before the end of the test.

Complete each sentence with a) NO b) NOT

1. I like most vegetables, but … eggplants.

2. He is a man with … sense of responsibility.

3. It seems there are … new ways left to cook potatoes.

4. There are … any fireplaces in this house.

5. … instructor would be able to teach him to skate.

Complete each sentence with a) SO b) SUCH c) SUCH A

1. My friend gave me … useful advice!

2. There was … much snow that I had to stomp home through it.

3. I was … angry that I didn’t see where I was going.

4. In the end I was able to ski down … steep hill.

5. I made … wide angle I could not move out of it.

Complete each sentence with a) BY b) WITH

1. You could knock him down … a feather.

2. It was a place untouched … time.

3. In winter the ground is covered … snow.

4. Traffic in large towns is controlled … traffic lights.

5. Roast pork is often served … apple sauce.

Complete each sentence with a) BETWEEN b) AMONG

1. … handful of necklaces tossed to my sisters by my mother, was a white china one.

2. It’s unwise to interfere … husband and wife.

3. Switzerland lies … Germany, France and Italy.

4. Goats are very nimble in climbing … the rocks.

5. There’s more honesty … country folk than … town folk.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа (см. текст задания 7)

1. I had fallen forwards … (line 2) Какая часть речи подчеркнута?

a) существительное b) глагол с) наречие d) обстоятельство

2. I realized I would not be able to teach myself to ski. (lines 1-2)

To be able to do smth является эквивалентом глагола

a) can b) may c) must d) should

3. I was going to be knocked down …(lines 3-4)

Является ли подчеркнутый инфинитив a) перфектным

b) страдательным с) действительным d) прошедшего времени

4. I booked a lesson with an instructor called Jane … (line 7)

В какой форме употреблено подчеркнутое слово

а) в личной b) в неличной с) в утвердительной d) в отрицательной

5. You have to position the skis in an open V-shape (lines 10-11)

To have to выражает необходимость совершить действия

a) в силу определенных обстоятельств,

b) в силу неотложной необходимости,

с) по предварительной договоренности,

d) из-за чувства долга.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 359 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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