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The Present Continuous

The Present Continuous is used for fixed arrangements in the near future.

He ’s flying to Turkey next month. He has already booked his flight.

The Present Simple

The Present Simple is used for timetables / programmes.

The ferry leaves at eight o’clock tomorrow morning.

The Future Continuous

Positive Form Negative Form Question Form
I’ll (=will) + be + -ing Iwon’t(=will not) + be + -ing Willyoube + -ing?
I’ll be flying. I won’t be flying. Will you be flying?

1 The Future Continuous is used for actions which will be in progress at a

stated future time.

This time next week he ’ll be flying to Spain.

2 For actions which will definitely happen in the future, as a result of a

routine or arrangement. I ’ll be seeing Jim at work later on today.

3 When we ask politely about someone’s plans for the near future, in order

to see if our wishes fit in with their plans.

Will you be going to the dentist this afternoon?’ ‘Yes. Why?’

‘Can you make an appointment for me to see him.’

The Future Perfect

Positive Form Negative Form Question Form
I’ll (=will) + have + done Iwon’t(=will not) + have + done Willyou+ have + done?

The Future Perfect is used for actions which will be finished before a stated future time. We will have returned home by Sunday afternoon.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1132 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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