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The Future Perfect Continuous

Positive Form Negative Form Question Form
I’ll (=will) + have + been + working Iwon’t(=will not) + have + been +wor - ing Will you + have + been + - ing?
I’ll have been working. I won’t have been working. Will you have been working?

The Future Perfect Continuous isused to emphasize the duration of an action up to a certain time in the future.

By the end of this week, she will have been working here for six years.


Nouns can be countable or uncountable.Countable nouns are nouns which we can count. They have singular and plural forms. e.g. a key, two keys.

The plural is formed as follows:

Regular Plurals Irregular Plurals
jacket jackets child children
watch watches man men
tomato tomatoes woman women
baby babies foot feet
toy toys tooth teeth
leaf leaves mouse mice
cliff cliffs sheep sheep

Uncountable nouns are nouns which cannot count. They do not have different plural forms. Uncountable nouns include:

many types of food: spaghetti, yoghurt, cheese, flour, butter, meat, etc.
liquids: water, coffee, soda, lemonade, oil, petrol, tea, etc
materials: silver, wood, crystal, plastic, porcelain, etc.
abstract nouns: freedom, love, justice, beauty, help, education, knowledge, etc.
others:   news, advice, information, weather, furniture, luggage, baggage, hair, accommodation, behaviour, equipment, fun, research, rubbish, litter, etc.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 771 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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