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Exercise 5. Choose the correct item

1.Stop ___at once!

A to talk В talking С talk

1. I'd rather___steak than fish.

A have В to have С having

2. The family were all looking forward ___ on holiday.

A going В to going С to go

4.The teacher told him he must ____ harder.

A study В studying С to study

5.He denied____the watch.

A steal В to steal C stealing

6.I'm busy_____my kitchen at the moment.

A paint В painting С to paint

7.Ben's interested in___karate lessons.

A to take В taking С take

8.When you finish___ you can watch television.

A eat В to eat С eating

9.They would prefer____tennis on Saturday afternoon rather than Sunday morning.
A to play В playing С play

Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or -ing form to complete the dialogues.

1.A: What did Sally say?

B: Well, she agreed (meet) us at the train station at 6:00.

2.A: I'm really looking forward (see) Tom again.

B: Yes. It's been ages since we last saw him.

3.A: Do you fancy (visit) the Martins this Friday?

B: Yes, that would be nice.

4.A: I really want (buy) an air-conditioner.


B: Me, too. It's very hot this summer, isn't it?

5.A: I hate (go) to the opera.

B: Really? I love the opera!

6.A: Did you remember (call) your mother?

B: Yes. I called her this morning.

7.A: I couldn't help (notice) that Ray has bought a new laptop.

B: Yes, his old one was stolen last week.

8.A: I don't mind (look) after your dog while you're away.

B: Thanks. That would be great.

9.A: What would you like (have) for dessert?

B: How about a fruit salad?

10.A: Does Greg know how to swim?

B: No. I don't know why, though. It's so easy (learn).

Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets in an '-ing' form or infinitive.

1.A: How was the party?

B: Horrible, I regret (go) there.

2.A: Good morning, Mr Jackson. Have you corrected our tests?

B: Yes, I have and I regret (tell) you that you've all failed.

3.A: I can't open this jar of honey.

B: Try (put) it in hot water for a few minutes.

4.A: It looks like our video has broken down.

B: Why don't we try (look) at the manual?

5.A: Are you sure you locked the door?

В: I clearly remember (turn) the key in the lock.

6.A: Did you remember (buy) a present for granny?

B: Yes, I did. And I remembered (get) her flowers, too.

7.A: I could do with a drink of water or juice.

B: I'm quite thirsty myself. Let's stop (get) a drink.

8.A: Would you like some chocolate?

B: No, thanks, I stopped (eat) sweets ages ago.

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

1. It's no use (talk) to Bob; he won't change his mind. 2. She will (return) the books next weekend. 3. It was good of you (help) me fix my bicycle. 4. The man suggested (call) the police in, to investigate. 5. I can't get used to (live) in such a hot country. 6. He admitted (rob) the bank. 7. You had better (hurry), or you will be late for work. 8. They refused (give) me my money back. 9. She is too short (become) a fashion model. 10. My parents let me (stay) up late at weekends. 11. Our teacher makes us (do) homework every evening. 12. The kitchen windrows need (clean). 13. They have begun (make) preparations for the party. 14. He advised her (speak) to her boss. 15. I dislike (go) to the theatre alone. 16. Mr. Roberts was seen (leave) his house at 12:15 last night. 17. My sister can't stand (watch) horror films. She gets terribly scared. 18. Can you imagine (spend) your holidays on the moon? 19. There is no point in (call) again. There is no one at home. 20. I don't allow people (smoke) in my house. 21. It was silly of you (forget) to lock the door. 22. He risks (lose) his wallet when he leaves it on his deck.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 3904 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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