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Task 2. Translate and comment on the following

* Many advertisements contain a slogan or short phrase to attract consumer's attention. Effective slogans are usually short, easy to remember.

* Read the text about translations of a slogan and note a problem: In Taiwan, the translation of the Pepsi slogan ' Come alive with the Pepsi generation' came out as 'Pepsi will bring your ancestors back from the dead'.

Task 3. In groups, write down five popular slogans in your language. Try to translate them into English.



Present Simple

Positive form Negative form Question form
I /you/we/they know I/you/we/they don't (= do not)know Do I / you / we l they know?
he/she/it knows he/she doesn't (= does not) know Does he/she know?

The Present Simple is used:

1 For permanent states, repeated actions and daily routines.

He works at a hotel. (permanent state)

2 For general truths and laws of nature.

It rarely rains in the desert.

3 For timetables (trains, planes, etc) and programmes.

The plane to London takes off at 6:50 am.

4 For sports commentaries, reviews and narration.

Hill kicks the ball and passes it to Dawson.

The Present Simple is used with the following time expressions:

always, usually, etc., every day/week, etc., on Mondays/Tuesdays, in the morning/afternoon, /evening, etc

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1148 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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