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Exercise 3. Translate into Russian. 1) Creating a firm takes a lot of time and energy


1) Creating a firm takes a lot of time and energy. – Создание фирмы требует много сил и времени.

2) I am surprised at his having become a journalist. – Я удивлен, что он стал журналистом.

1. Before drawing conclusions one must carefully examine all the facts. 2. Learning rules without examples is useless. 3. The book must not be published without being looked through by the author. 4. He had not missed the opportunity of becoming a good writer.5. By working at day and night he succeeded in finishing the paper in time. 6. The editor is thinking of using new approaches.7. On receiving a lot of orders he began hiring more workers. 8. People are afraid of having time to think, so they go to the cinema, watch TV, go to a football match.

Exercise 4. Point out participles and gerunds and translate the extract: “National Campaigns in the UK”.

Remember the words:

poster афиша, плакат, постер.

voting голосование

dire ужасный

consequence последствие

duly должным образом, правильно

Spending on national advertising campaigns, including posters, with a national message and not mentioning individual candidates, is now limited by electoral law. Only the biggest, well funded parties can mount such campaigns.

Parties with smaller financial recourses try to get round this by holding press previews of their posters which are put up, duly photographed, and taken down as soon as the press and televisions cameras leave. The message on the posters is normally extremely simple, offering a vision of hope or a warning of the dire consequences of voting for the other side, sometimes both.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 851 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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