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Exercise 43. Translate the words in brackets


1. For (нехватка) of fuel, their plans were grounded.

2. The charges were dropped for (недостаточностью) of evidence.

3. Dr Ryan (путешествовать) the world gathering material for his book.

4. He has had to (ездить) the country in search of work.

5. The cooking time needed (зависеть) on the size of the potato.

6. There is a (проливной) rain in the street. Stay at home.

7. I will do whatever to (казаться) best to you.

8. ‘Just (вести себя), Tom,’ said farther.

9. That's the best thing that has ever (случаться) to me.

10. He (изменить) from voting against to abstaining.

11. We are trying to detect and understand how the climates (изменяться).

12. At the beginning of spring the snow starts to (таять).

13. They should (изменить) the law to make it illegal to own replica weapons.

14. His condition is so serious that he won't (прожить) the night

15. How long does he reckon he'll (проработать) as manager?

16. It was said in the forecast that there is a possibility of (кратковременный) rain

17. The games (длиться) only half the normal time.

18. They (быть против) the idea of reading the book further.

19. In autumn the weather (ухудшаться) in Russia. It starts to (идти дождь). The weather turns (холодный).


The United Kingdom (1. состоять) of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, (2. располагаться) off the northwest (3. побережье) of Europe, these islands extend between 50° and 60°N. The climate of Britain is notoriously variable and (4. переменчивый) from day to day. Weather is generally cool to mild with frequent cloud and rain, but occasional settled (5. периоды) of weather occur at all seasons.

Visitors to Britain are often surprised by the long (6. летние) days, which are a consequence of the northerly latitude; in the north of Scotland in (7. середина лета) the day is eighteen hours long and twilight (продолжаться, длиться) all night. Conversely, winter days are short. The frequent (8. изменения) of weather affect all parts of the country in very much the same way; there are no great differences from one part of the country to another.

While the south is usually a little warmer than the north and the west wetter than the east, the continual changes of British weather mean that, on occasions, these differences may be reversed. (9.крайности) of weather are rare in Britain but they do (10. случаться). For example, in December 1981 and January 1982, parts of southern and central England experienced for a few days lower temperatures than central Europe and Moscow! During the long (11. периоды) of hot, sunny weather in the summers of 1975 and 1976 parts of Britain were drier and warmer than many places in the western Mediterranean.

The greatest extremes of weather and climate in Britain occur in the mountains of Scotland, Wales, and northern England. Here at altitudes exceeding 600 m/2,000 ft conditions are (12.влажный) and (13.облачно) for much of the year with annual rainfall exceeding 1,500 mm/60 in and in places reaching as much as 5,000 mm/200 in. These are among the wettest places in Europe. Winter conditions may be severe with very strong (14.ветра), (15.ливни), or (16.снежные бури).

In spite of occasional heavy (17.снегопады) on the Scottish mountains, conditions are not really good for skiing and there has been only a limited development of winter sports resorts. Because of the severe conditions which can arise very suddenly on mountains, walkers and climbers who go unprepared face the risk of exposure or even frostbite. Conditions may be vastly different from those suggested by the weather at lower levels.

Virtually all permanent settlement in Britain (18. лежать, находиться) below 300 m/1,000 ft, and at these levels (19.погодные) conditions are usually much more congenial. As a general rule the western side of Britain is cloudier, wetter, and milder in winter, with cooler summers than the east. The eastern side of Britain is drier the year round, with a (20.тенденция) for summer rain to be heavier than that of winter. The east is a little colder in winter and warmer in summer. Much of central England has very similar (21.погода) to that of the east and south of the country. Southwestern England shares the greater summer warmth of southern England but experiences rather milder and wetter winters than the east of the country.

The average number of hours of (22. солнечный свет) is greatest in the south and southeast of England and least in the north and west. Western Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have rather less sunshine than most of England. In Britain daily sunshine hours (23. варьироваться) from between one and two in midwinter to between five and seven in midsummer. Winter sunshine is much (24.сокращаться) in Britain because of frequent fogs and low cloud. This is a consequence of winds from the Atlantic and North seas surrounding Britain, which bring high humidity. For the same reason British mountains are particularly (25. облачно) and wet.

The chief (26.различия) of weather and climate in Britain can be summed up by saying that Scotland is rarely much colder than England despite its more northerly latitude. Summers in Scotland, however, are usually shorter and rather cooler. Wales, western Scotland, and Northern Ireland are wetter the year round than most of England. Northwestern England and the Lake District are, however, particularly wet and cloudy.

Snow may (27. случиться) anywhere in Britain in winter or even spring but, except on the hills, it rarely (28.лежать) for more than a few days. In some winters there may be very little snow, but every fifteen or twenty years it may lie for some weeks during a prolonged cold (29.период).

Visitors to Britain will rarely (30.испытать) severe or unpleasant weather for long unless they venture on the hills. They should be prepared for rapid (31. изменения) of weather at all seasons, however, and recognize that there is good (32. причина) for weather being a major talking point in Britain.

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