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Exercise 42. Complete the gaps with the words given below. Mind the difference between the words. Make sure that you use the correct grammatical form

to lie – to lay – to lie

1. The first time she _________in this fashion she felt disconcerted and guilty--disconcerted because the lie sprang so easily and naturally to her lips.

2. Alice noticed with some surprise that the pebbles were all turning into little cakes as they _________ on the floor.

3. I ran to the children's room: their door was open, I saw they had never _________down, though it was past midnight.

4. Always _________ the blame on others!

5. If no love _________between Ashley and Melanie but only a promise given long ago, then why wasn't it possible for him to break that promise and marry her?

6. The gentlemen _________cheerfully just and the ladies pretended to believe them.

7. Since the day she had _________ sick and desolate in the garden she had set her face against the past.

8. If he ever knew the real truth about how she _________to Frank to marry him, knew how mean she had been, he could never love her any more.

9. She said a brief prayer of thanksgiving that the rain of the previous night had ceased, for she had _________awake listening to it, knowing that it would mean the ruin of her velvet dress and new bonnet.

10. Gerald knew there would be no more sons to follow the three who _________ in the family burying ground.

seaside- coast – beach –bank - shore

1. I made for the _________________ of the sea. I wanted to stay alone and to think.

2. My family usually goes to the ____________________ on holidays.

3. All of the sites here are situated on the West _________________ of Scotland.

4. You can’t walk, lie or bathe here, it’s a private ___________________.

5. The ________________ of the Volga are very beautiful. There are a lot of small ancient towns on the _________________ of the Volga

6. Camp sites are usually situated along the ________________, close to __________________.

7. I wish I had a house on the ________________ of Lake Baikal.

8. Looking down from the plain we could see the Dutch _____________.

9. The west _______________ of Scotland is rocky.

10. Spain is famous for its fabulous sandy __________________.

11. I went to Spain to spend a few days at the ________________.

12. They sailed further up the _________________ to find the place to land.

13. There are elephants that live on the __________________ of Lake Kariba

14. The town we passed was Redcar, a _________________ resort on the Cleveland __________________.

15. I’m so tired that on my holiday I just want to lie on the _________________ in the sun.

16. London is situated on the both _______________ of the Thames.

17. Students, young and single people like to go to the _______________ to have a rest at weekends.

18. No one in England lives more than 100 miles from the _________________.

19. In Bulgaria all __________________ are public, so there are no restrictions where to lie or swim.

20. The Pacific ocean washes the _________________ of the west ___________________ of North America.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 650 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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