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Speaking. Exercise 47. Translate the following proverbs

Exercise 47. Translate the following proverbs. In what circumstances would you say the following? Make up small situations to use the proverbs.

It never rains but it pours.

It is raining pitchforks

Small rain lays great dust

After rain comes fair weather

Everything is good in its season.

It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun.

After rain comes fair weather.

Exercise 48. Think of your favourite season add not less than 5 arguments in its favour. List the arguments against other seasons. Discuss the topic in the group.

Exercise 49. Make up dialogues between:Use patterns from ex. 45.

1. You and your friend. Your friend invites you to go for a walk, but the weather is not good. Refuse the suggestion, give your arguments referring to the weather

2. You and your parents. Your parents warn you about the weather.

3. You and your letter friend. You friend from the UK asks you about the weather in Russia. He/she is coming and wants to know what to take.


Exercise 50. Listen to a small dialogues. Complete the gaps.’


A: Fairly (1)____________________ for the time of the year.

B: Yes. Quite different from the (2)____________________.

A: They say we’re (3)____________- _______________ snow

B: Let’s hope it (4)_____________________ fine for the weekend


A: It seems to be (5)__________________________ up

B: It makes a (6)______________________, doesn’t it?

A: Apparently it’s going to (7)_________________________ colder.

B: Still another month should see us through the (8)________________________ of it


A: (9)_______________________ and (10)_________________________ this morning

B: Yes. Much better than yesterday.

A: The (11)_________________________’ll probably get up later.

B: As long as it doesn’t (12)____________________________.


A: It’s good to see the (13)____________________________ again.

B: A big (14)____________________________ on what we’ve been having.

A: It’s supposed to (15)_____________________________ over this afternoon.

B: I didn’t think it would (16)_____________________________.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 626 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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