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Forecasting online

The BBC Weather website launched in 1997. Since then, developments in technology have allowed it to evolve to the dynamic database driven site you see today.

The first BBC Weather website was designed like an online magazine. It focussed on written features that were updated each week. The forecast information flowed directly from the Met Office with no manual intervention by BBC Weather Broadcast Meteorologists.

As the forecast evolved during the course of a day, it wasn't possible to send updates through to the website. As a result there was often inconsistency between the details seen on TV and online.

In 2005, BBC Weather introduced a new weather graphics and data management software called Weatherscape XT supplied by Metra. It produces broadcasts for TV and graphics for the web. It ingests data into a central database and uses this to produce graphics visualising the weather forecast and data feeds for use online, on mobile and on interactive TV.

For the first time we were able to ensure that the latest forecast is available on all of our output. The Weatherscape software also made it possible for the weather charts used in our TV forecasts to be published online. These charts are updated by our Broadcast Meteorologists throughout the day, and these edits are also sent to the online services.

In 2006, BBC Weather embarked on a series of audience research studies into what was liked and disliked about the BBC Weather website. The results of these informed the largest redesign the BBC Weather site had seen to date.

A Beta version of the site, which showcased the new features, was launched in September 2008. Development continued in response to audience feedback and new features were added over the following few months.

The 2009 redesign brought a total change to the navigation and design on the site, as well as introducing new features.

It is now possible to search once and find all your forecast information on one page. Forecast updates are faster and more regular. A new feature allows you to set your own weather homepage and save quick links to six favourite locations.

The colour and banner of the page reflects the state of the weather for the location you are looking at. Regional video forecasts broadcast on TV are now available online alongside other information for your location.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 470 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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