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Unfortunately We are Full

A: Good morning. I’d like a double room with a bath.

B: I’m very sorry, but we are full. With so many delegates arriving now to take part in the international congress, accommodation must be scarce at any hotel.

A: What can you recommend?

B: Well, there is a small private guest-house just round the corner. You may try there. I’m really very sorry, sir.

Work in pairs. Practise the conversation, using the ideas above. One of you is the hotel guest; the other is the receptionist.

Exercise 24. Imagine that you are in London and you want to stay at a hotel. Translate and act out the dialogue.

Clerk. Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

You. (Скажите, что Вам нужен одноместный номер с душем (shower), туалетом (toilet) и континентальным завтраком на одну неделю)

Clerk. I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid we have no rooms with a shower available at the moment.

You. (Спросите его, можно ли снять номер с ванной)

Clerk. Let me see... Yes, there are some rooms.

You. (Спросите сколько стоит такой номер)

Clerk. 20 pounds a night.

You. (Спросите, нет ли у него более дешевых (less expensive) номеров)

Clerk. I'm afraid not. It's the cheapest.

You. (Спросите нет ли поблизости более дешевого отеля)

Clerk. You may try the Northern Star Hotel. It's near the station in Davies street.

You. (Поблагодарите клерка).

Exercise 25. 1 Below there are some extracts from a conversation between a receptionist and a guest checking in without a reservation. Put them in the order (from 1 to 10) in which you think you will hear them.

а Would you like an Executive at £125 or a Standard at £95?

b And may I take your home address, please?

с It's room 760 on the seventh floor.

d Hello.

e And the name, sir, is...?

f Here's your credit card, passport, and here's your key.

g This is your registration card. Can you just check through the details, please?

h Just the one night?

i Because you're not a British citizen, I'll require your passport in order to complete the registration.

j How will you be settling your account, sir?

2 Now listen to (read) a real check-in conversation to see if your suggested order is the same.

Dialogue 3

receptionist: Can I help you, sir?

guest: Hello, I'd like a room for the night.

receptionist: Do you have a reservation?

guest: No, I don't.

receptionist: OK. Just the one night?

guest: Yes.

receptionist: And one person?

guest: One person, yes.

receptionist: Would you like an Executive at £125 or a Standard at £95?

guest: Just a Standard.

receptionist: OK... Do you have a preference for a twin or a double-bedded room?

guest: Twin, please.

receptionist: Do you have a preference for smoking or non-smoking?

guest: Non-smoking, please.

receptionist: OK. You're in room 760.

guest: OK.

receptionist: How will you be settling your account, sir?

guest: Visa.

receptionist: By Visa card. May I take an imprint of your Visa card?

guest: Here you are.

receptionist: Thank you. And the name, sir, is...?

guest: Paul Smith.

receptionist: And may I take your home address, please?

guest: It's 5383 Collins Avenue, Miami.

receptionist: And do you have a zip code?

guest: 23892.

receptionist: OK, sir. Because you're not a British citizen, I'll require your passport in order to complete the registration.

guest: Here it is.

receptionist: Thank you very much.

guest: Does the rate include breakfast?

receptionist: No, it doesn't. Breakfast is £7.50 for continental and £9.95 for English and is served in the Brasserie Restaurant on this floor from 6.30 all morning, or you can order in your room through room service at no extra charge.

guest: OK.

receptionist: This is your registration card. Can you just check through the details, please?

guest: Yes.

receptionist: And sign here.

guest: OK.

receptionist: Thank you. Here's your credit card, passport, and here's your key. It's room 760 on the seventh floor. The elevator is on the right. If you just tell a porter your room number, he'll follow you up with the luggage.

guest: Thank you very much.

receptionist: Enjoy your stay.

Working in pairs, invent some details for yourself and check in at your partner's hotel, following the check-in procedure above for people without reservations. Act out the conversation at check-in when a reservation has been made.

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