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A visit to a hotel

We stayed in the Carlton Hotel for three nights in July, but I booked (= reserved) our room three months in advance (= before; in other words, in April) because it was the middle of the tourist season. When we arrived, we checked in at reception, then the porter carried our suitcases up to our room. I gave him a small tip (n, v) - about 50p, I think. The staff were very friendly— we had a very nice chambermaid (= the woman who cleans the room) - and the room was very comfortable. The only problem we had, in fact, was with the shower which didn't work (= function) very well. (You could also say: “There was something wrong with the shower”.)

Useful words and expressions

Could I book (= reserve) a room for next Thursday?

Could I have an early morning call at 7 a.m. please? (= Could you wake meat 7 a.m.?)

Could you put it on my bill, please? (= add the cost to the bill, e.g. for a drink you have in the hotel bar)

Could I pay my bill, please? (= pay for everything)

Could you order (= call) a taxi for me to go to the airport?

Are you fully booked (= completely full) next week?

Is breakfast/dinner included? (= Does the price include breakfast/dinner?)

Where's the lift? (= the machine which takes you up or down a floor) [AmEng = elevator]

Excuse me. How do I get to the underground station from here?

Can you recommend a good hotel?

I think, you can stay at the Astoria. It is one of the best hotels in town.

What hotel can you recommend?

I think, you can stay at the Colonnade. It is one of the cheapest hotels I know.

Arriving at a hotel a visitor should register.

Arriving at a hotel a guest speaks to the reception clerk first.

Going out the hotel the guest should leave his key with the desk-clerk.

Signing out the visitor should pay for his stay at the hotel.

The Europe Hotel has a swimming-pool and a dancing hall.

I’d like a single room bath overlooking the sea.

I’d like a quiet single room on the fifth floor.

A hotel worker who stands by the door and helps visitors to get out of the car is called a porter or a doorman.

A hotel worker who gives and receives the keys is called a desk-clerk.

Exercise 17. Read, learn the bilateral translation and use the phrases your dialogues.

Reserving a room at the hotel — Hello. Northern Star Hotel. Can I help you? — Yes. I'd like to reserve a single room with bathroom, for three nights, from Wednesday, the 12th of February, to Friday, the 14th of February, inclusive. — Let me see... Yes, sir. A single room for three nights with English breakfast, is that right? — Yes, that's right. — What is your name, please? — It isn't for me, it's for Mr Klimenko.   — Could you spell it, please?   — Yes, of course. K-L-I-M-E-N-K-O. — Thank you, sir. — Shall I send a deposit? — No. It isn't necessary, sir. — Thank you very much.   Заказ места в гостинице — Алло. Гостиница Northern Star. Чем я могу быть Вам полезен? — Я бы хотел заказать одноместный номер с ванной на три дня, со среды, 12-го февраля, до пятницы, 14-го февраля, включительно. — Одну минуту... Да, сэр. Одноместный номер на три дня с английским завтраком. Все правильно? — Да, все правильно. — Назовите, пожалуйста, свою фамилию. — Этот номер не для меня, а для м-ра Клименко. — Не могли бы Вы назвать его фамилию по буквам, сэр? — Да, конечно. К-Л-И-М-Е-Н-К-О. — Благодарю Вас, сэр. — Должен ли я внести задаток? — Нет, сэр, в этом нет необходимости. — Большое спасибо.  

Exercise 18. Listen to these two callers phoning the Hotel Melissa to make reservations. Complete the information in the chart below:

  Caller 1   Caller 2  
Name of guest(s)          
Arrival date          
No. of nights          
Room type          
Stayed before          
Method of payment          
Credit card no.          
Reservation no.          
Special requests          


Dialogue 1

hotel: Hotel Melissa. Can I help you?

caller: Yes, I'd like to make a reservation, please.

hotel: I'll put you through to Reservations. Hold the line, please.

reservations: Reservations, Peter speaking. Can I help you?

caller: Yes, I'd like to make a reservation.

reservations: Certainly. What name, please?

caller: Lewis, David Lewis.

reservations: Right, Mr. Lewis, when would you like to stay?

caller: I'd like to reserve a double room for three nights from the 21st April.

reservations: OK. 21st April, three nights, double. I'll just check availability. Yes, we can do that for you. Is this a company booking or an individual?

caller: Oh, it's individual.

reservations: Have you stayed with us before?

caller: No, I haven't.

reservations: Would you like one of our Executive rooms, Mr. Lewis, on the top floors with some wonderful views?

caller: Well, actually, no, I wouldn't. My wife doesn't really like using the lift and also she's got a bad leg, so I was hoping we could have a room near the ground floor.

reservations: OK. I'll make a note of that and when you check in the receptionist will allocate a room on the first floor for you.

caller: Thank you.

reservations: Will you be paying by credit card?

caller: Yes, I will. It's Visa.

reservations: And what is the number?

caller: Hold on... It's 4335 171 36094.

reservations: So that's 4335 171 36094. And your address?

caller: 14 St John's Road, London NW6.

reservations: OK, Mr Lewis, that's reserved for you. Your reservation number is PS 1462. We look forward to seeing you on the 21st.

caller: Thank you.

reservations: You're welcome.

Dialogue 2

hotel: Hotel Melissa. Can I help you?

caller: Good morning. I'd like to reserve a couple of rooms.

hotel: Certainly. I'll put you through to Reservations. Hold the line, please.

reservations: Reservations, this is Peter speaking. How can I help you?

caller: Good morning. This is Rita King from Imperial Plastics. I'd like to reserve a couple of doubles for April 13th.

reservations: Two doubles for April 13th... Right. Availability is fine for that night. Is that a company booking?

caller: Yes, Imperial Plastics. The rooms are for Mr Suarez, spelt s-u-a-r-e-z, and Mr Johansson, spelt j-o-h-a-n-s-s-o-n. They’d like the Executive rooms.

reservations: OK. You have an account with us, don't you?

caller: Yes, we do.

reservations: But the guests haven't stayed with us before, have they?

caller: No, I don't think so.

reservations: And how is the account to be settled?

caller: Full bill on the company account.

reservations: Can I just check your contact details? It's Miss R. King, Imperial Plastics, Old Dock Road, London E5.

caller: That's correct.

reservations: Right, Miss King, the reservation number is PS43307.I would be grateful if you could just confirm in writing, by fax if you like.

caller: Certainly. Thank you for your help.

reservations: You're very welcome. Goodbye.

Exercise 19. Study the following situation:

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