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Exercise 38

In this diagram the guest questions the bill. Use the diagram to act out conversation with a partner. Add ideas of your own if you like.

S1: There seems to be a mistake in this bill.

I’m sure this bill is wrong.

I don’t remember (buying a book).

I didn’t (buy anything from the bookshop).


S2: Just a moment sir.

I’ll check through your receipts.

Yes, here we are.

(Mr. Roe, Room 246, books, $40).

Is this your signature (sir)?


S1: Good heavens, yes. S1: (No), that’s wrong.

I remember now. It isn’t my signature.

My name is (Low).

Well in that case the bill is correct. I was in Room (248).

I’m sorry. My mistake.


S2: I’m very sorry sir.

We seem to have mixed up the bills.

I’ll deduct it from your bill.

As I say, I’m extremely sorry.

S1 or S2:

No problem.

These things happen.

Exercise 39. Supply prepositions or adverbs where required:

1. If one intends to put ___ ___ a hotel it is advisable to reserve rooms __ advance.

2. You can book hotels rooms __ post or __ telegraph.

3. The word "back room" stands __ a room with windows looking __ __ the back yard __ the building.

4. The doorman opened the door __ car, helped the taxi-driver to remove our luggage and showed us the way __ the desk-clerk.

5. The desk-clerk handed __ us an arrival card which we filled __ giving all the information required.

6. What is your name __ full?

7. The registration stamp __ my passport gives my place __ permanent residence.

8. I will need my passport badly tomorrow __ the afternoon. Will you have me signed __ by that time?

9. When checking __ I always ask if there is any mail __ me.

10. When do you expect to be checking __?

11. __ this scientific congress __ all the hotels are full __ now. Accommodation is next to impossible to get, I assure you.

12. Whenever you check __, the desk-clerk looks __ the pigeon-hole below the number __ your room __ mail.

13. All the keys __ our rooms are hung __ a special key-rack.

14. I must have left it __ my desk __ the top left drawer.

15. If I am out, leave it __ my name __ the desk (the desk-clerk), will you?

16. I will be waiting __ you __ the lounge __ the Moskva __ 7 p.m. sharp tomorrow. Will that be all right __ you?

17. __ many hotels it is cheaper to pay __ the week than __ the day.

18. A suite consists __ two or more rooms.

19. All Kyiv hotels run numerous services __ their guests, but service is best __ the Dniprovsky.

20. I want to engage a double room __ bath __ a week. Shall I pay __ advance?

21. You can register __ the desk__ your right and settle your account __ advance __ the cashier's desk, right __ front of you.

22. The porter stopped __ room 517 and showed me __.

23. Mr. Brown is staying __ room 272, and he is quite comfortable there.

24. I followed the bell-boy __ the lift, __ __ the fifth floor, down the corridor __ the left. We stopped __ room 323. The bell-boy opened the door leaving the key __ the lock. He placed my suitcases __a special rack, showed me __ the room, turned __ the light, pulled the curtains __, checked __ whether everything was __ order, and asked me if there was anything else he could do __ me.

Exercise 40. Complete the following sentences using as many words from the Word List as possible.

1. Experienced travellers always consider it best….

2. To reserve a room at the hotel I sent a telegramme that read….

3. I would like to engage ….

4. As soon as the taxi rolled up to the main entrance of the Astoria….

5. When registering guests have to….

6. The registration done….

7. In the lobby you will usually find…

8. At the desk the guests might….

9. In hotels you will find rooms with….

10. All hotel rooms have….

11. On the night table in a hotel room you will….

12. Guests are required to….

13. As all the hotels were full…

14. In the hotels the following services are available…

Exercise 41. Put these sentences in a logical order.

1 I paid my bill.

2. I checked in at reception.

3. I left the hotel.

4. I went up to my room.

5. I spent the night in the hotel.

6. I had an early morning call at seven o'clock.

7. I booked a room at the hotel.

8. I went out for dinner in a local restaurant.

9. I arrived at the hotel.

10. I got up and had a shower.

11. I had breakfast.

12. I tipped the porter who carried my luggage upstairs.

Exercise 42. What would you say in these situations?

1. You want to stay in a hotel for two nights next week with your husband/wife. You phone the hotel. What do you ask or say?

2. You are at the hotel reception and you are planning to leave in about 15 minutes. What could you ask the receptionist?

3. You want to wake up at 7 a.m., but you don't have an alarm clock. What do you ask at reception?

4. You have a drink in the hotel bar. The barman asks how you want to pay. What's your reply?

5. When you turn on the shower in your room, the water comes out very very slowly. What could you say at reception?

6. You want to go to the nearest bank but don't know where it is. What do you ask at reception?

7. You are a guest at a hotel. You want to be awaken at 8 a. m. You ring up the desk-clerk and say…

8. You arrive at the hotel with which you have reserved a room in advance by telegramme. The reception clerk says your name tells him nothing. You say…

9. You are leaving the hotel and you want your baggage to be taken down. You ring for the desk-clerk and say..

10. Leaving the hotel you ask the desk-clerk to have your bill ready for you. When you see the bill, you are surprised. You say…

Exercise 43. Translate into English:

Гостиничный сервис

Гостиницы в англии можно условно разделить на несколько категорий. Наиболее дорогими являются гостиницы категории Luxe, проживание в которых по карману лишь арабским шейхам и миллионерам. Следующими за ними идут гостиницы категории Charming Town House, сочетающие хорошее обслуживание с относительно невысокой (по сравнению с первой категорией) ценой.

Следующая категория — это относительно недорогие гостиницы, которые в Лондоне расположены главным образом в районе крупных вокзалов. К четвертой категории можно отнести пансионы Boarding Houses, Bed and Breakfast (обычно под вывеской В&В — дословно переводится: постель и завтрак), а также небольшие сельские гостиницы (inns). Наиболее дешевый вариант проживания — молодежные общежития: Youth Hostels, Youth Holiday Centers, Country Guest Houses. К плате за проживание в английских гос­тиницах добавляется НДС (VAT — Value Added Tax), составляющий 17,5%. В стоимость проживания в гостиницах в Англии также часто включается стоимость завтрака. Встречаются два его варианта: скромный continental breakfast (чай или кофе и булочка с маслом или джемом) и основательный English breakfast (starter — кукурузные или овсяные хлопья (flakes) с молоком, сок и т. п. плюс main course — яичница с салом и ветчиной, помидорами, белым хлебом и т. п.).

В США и Канаде цены на проживание в гостиницах несколько выше, чем в Англии. Крупные гостиницы находятся чаще всего в центре города. Кроме местных гостиниц имеется также ряд компаний с общенациональной сетью гостиниц и ресторанов (Hilton, Sheraton и т. п.). Плата за проживание более высокая в крупных городах типа Нью-Йорка, Чикаго и т. п. Многие отели предоставляют скидки для командированных (бизнес-тариф). При наличии автомобиля значительно дешевле останавливаться в мотелях (motels). В гостиницах и мотелях рестораны встречаются редко, поэтому стоимость завтрака в стоимость проживания обычно не включается.

В Англии чаевые (tip), как правило, включаются в счет в гостиницах и ряде ресторанов (графа — Service Charge). В Северной Америке чаевые в счет обычно не включаются. Если чаевые в счет не включены, то и в Англии и в Америке следует давать “на чай” около 10-15 % от суммы счета. В пабах (pubs) чаевые давать не принято.

Exercise 44. Read the following true story. Do you know any similar stories?

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