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A trip to Los Angeles

James Hall has a new job with Lemon Computers in Philadelphia. He's 22 and just out of college. As part of his training, he has to spend six weeks at company headquarters near Los Angeles. It's his first business trip, and he's packing his suitcase. He lives with his parents, and his mother is helping him.

Mrs. Hall: Jimmy, haven't you finished packing yet?

James: No, Mom, but it's all right. There isn't much to do.

Mrs. Hall: Well, I'll give you a hand. Oh. There isn't much room left. Is there anywhere to put your shaving kit?

James: Yeah, sure. It'll go in here. Now, I have three more shirts to pack. They'll go on top, but there's another pair of shoes to get in...

Mrs. Hall: Put them here, one on each side. There. OK, I think we can close it now.

James: OK. Where's the tag?

Mrs. Hall: What tag, hon?

James: The name tag that the airline gave me to put on the suitcase. Oh, here it is.

Mrs. Hall: Now, do you have the key?

James: What key?

Mrs. Hall: The key to lock the suitcase, of course.

James: It's in the lock, Mom. There's nothing to worry about. There's plenty of time.

Mrs. Hall: Have you forgotten anything?

James: I hope not.

Mrs. Hall: And you have a safe pocket for your traveler's checks?

James: Yes, they're in my inside coat pocket.

Mrs. Hall: Do you have a book to read on the plane?

James: Yes, it's in my briefcase.

Mrs. Hall: What about small change to make phone calls?

James: Check. I have a pocketful of coins.

Mrs. Hall: Is there someone to meet you in Los Angeles?

James: No, Mom. I'll rent a car and go to a hotel near the office. They suggested the Hollywood Inn.

Mrs. Hall: Do you have a reservation?

James: I hope so. I asked them to make it—the hotel reservation, I mean. I reserved the car myself.

Mrs. Hall: Well, take care of yourself and be good. Call us tonight.

James: Thanks, Mom. I will.

Mrs. Hall: Oh, I nearly forgot! Here's some gum to chew on the plane— you know, when it's coming down.

James: Oh, Mom. Don't worry. I'll be all right. I'll see you next month.

Do the assignment below.

James made a list. Look at it.

shirts +

underwear +

socks +


suit +


black shoes +


shaving kit +


He remembered to pack his shirts He forgot to pack his raincoat.


Exercise 13. Read, learn the bilateral translation and use the phrases in your dialogues.

At a passport and customs desk — Your passport, please. How long are you planning to stay in the country? — Three weeks. Could I prolong my entrance visa in case of necessity? — Sure. The receiving party shall take care of it. — Well, bags on the table and your customs form, please. — How much do they weight? — 23 kilos. I'm sorry, but you'll have to pay an excess luggage charge. — Oh! It's only three kilos overweight. — Yes, sir..that's £6... Thank you. Have you anything to declare? — What? — Alcohol, cigarettes, fresh fruit, plants...?   — Uh, no. Only for personal needs. — Open your suitcase, please. — Any gifts? — Only one bottle of vodka. — All right. It's duty free. As you probably know, it's forbidden to bring more than two bottles of alcohol and two blocks of cigarettes to England. And no limitations as to currency. Here's your form.   — Thank you. Not at all. The next please. У стола таможенного и паспортного досмотра — Ваш паспорт, пожалуйста, Как долго Вы планируете находиться в стране? —Три недели. Я могу продлить въездную визу в случае необходимости? — Конечно. Пригласившая Вас фирма должна позаботиться об этом. — Пожалуйста, положите сумки на стол и предъявите Вашу таможенную декларацию. — Сколько они весят? — 23 кг. Сожалею, но придется доплатить за избыточный вес. — О! Всего З кг лишних, — Да, сэр,... это 6 фунтов, Спасибо. Вы декларируете что-либо? — Что именно? — Алкоголь, сигареты, свежие фрукты, растения...? — О, нет. Только для личных потребностей. — Откройте чемодан, пожалуйста. — Какие-нибудь подарки? — Только одна бутылка водки. — Хорошо, это не облагается пошлиной. Вы, наверное, знаете, что в Англию запрещено ввозить более двух блоков сигарет и более двух бутылок спиртных напитков. Что касается валюты, то ограничений нет. Вот Ваша форма. — Спасибо. — He за что. Следующий, пожалуйста.

Exercise 14. Read, learn the bilateral translation and compose a dialogue "At the Custom House"

Where is the custom-house? Where do I go through the customs? Will our luggage be examined (looked through)? Are cigarettes in the free list?   Are these articles liable to duty? (there duty on these things?) Do these articles exceed the fixed quota?   What things have no duty on them (are duty-free)? I don't know what I am allowed. I have nothing more to declare.   I have only my own most indispensable things with me. I have only a few trifles for my family.   What duty do I have to pay? I have an import license. Can I consider my luggage cleared? Have you anything liable to duty? (Have you anything to declare?) Give (the) particulars of what you have. Have you any foreign currency? I'm sorry. I'll have to make you pay duty on this. This is not allowed to be taken into the country. These articles are prohibited. Have you stated the value of your articles? May I trouble you to put this on the scales?   You may pay the duty right on the stop. Де митниця? Де проводиться митний огляд? Чи будуть оглядати наш багаж?   Сигарети вiдносять до числа безмитних товарів? Чи беруть мито з цих речей?   Цi речі не виходять за межі дозволеної норми? Які речі провозяться безмитно?   Я не знаю, що дозволяеться перевозити. У мене більше нема нічого такого, про що я повинен був заявити. У мене при coбi лише речі, необхідні мені самому. У мене при coбi лише декілька дрібничок, куплених для сім'ї. Яке мито я повинен заплатит? У мене ліцензія на ввіз. Чи можу я вважати свій багаж перевіреним? Чи є у вас що-небудь, оподатковуване митом? Дайте докладні відомомості про свої речі. Чи є у вас іноземна валюта? Дуже співчуваю, але вам доведеться платити мито за це. Це не підлягає ввозу в країну. Ввіз/вивіз/ цих товарів заборонено. Ви заявили про вартість наших речей? Потрудіться, будь ласка, покладітъ це на ваги. Ви можете сплатити мито прямо на мicцi.

Exercise 15. Translate, remember the following regulations: Passport Regulations and Customs.

Landing formalities and customs regulations are about the same in all countries.

1. While still on board the plane the passenger is given an arrival card to fill in, he fills in /in block letters/ his name in full, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and length of visit, and address in the country he is visiting.

2. After the passenger has disembarked, officials will examine /check/ his passport and visa /to see if they are in order/.

3. In some countries they will check the passenger's certificate of vaccination.

4. When these formalities have been completed the passenger goes to the Customs for an examination of his luggage.

5. The passenger is required to fill in a customs declaration form. He must list all dutiable articles. /Personal belongings may be brought in duty-free/.

Here is a partial list of prohibited articles /items/; firearms, drugs, in some countries - meat products, fresh fruit and vegetables.

6. The Customs inspector may ask you to open your bags for inspection. After you are through with all customs formalities he will put a stamp on each piece of luggage.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 291 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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