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Catching a train

Travelling on business

Exercise 1. Listen and complete the conversation.

- Good morning. (a) the times of trains (b)

Newcastle, please?

- Afternoon, evening? When (c)?

- About five o’clock this afternoon.

- About (d). Right. Let’s have a look.

There’s a train that (e) 4.45, and there’s (f) at 5.25.

- And (g) get in?

- Back at King’s Cross at 7.15 and (h)

- Thanks a lot.

Exercise 2. 1. Put the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

- Hello. I’d like a ticket to Newcastle, please.

- I want to come back this evening, so a day return.

- How do you want to pay?

- Return, pleased.

- Here’s your change and your ticket.

- Single or return?

- Twenty, forty, sixty pounds.

- Day return or period return?

- Cash, please.

- Forty-eight pounds fifty, please.

- Thank you.

2. Listen and check. Close your text. Try to remember the conversations! In pairs, practise saying them.

Exercise 3. Imagine that you have to go from London to Glasgow, where you’ve got a business appointment. You are at theenquiry office. Translate and act out the dialogue.

You: (Спросите, когда идет следующий поезд в Глазго?)

Clerk: At 8.40, sir.

You: (Спросите, ночной (overnight) ли это поезд?)

Clerk: Yes, the train has sleeping accommodation. (спальные места)

You: (Скажите, что не курите и хотели бы взять лучшие места).

Clerk: I can give you first-class non-smoking compartment.

You: (Спросите, когда он прибывает в Глазго?)

Clerk: It is due to arrive in Glasgow at 6.30 a.m.

You: (Скажите, что Вы надеетесь, что он прибудет вовремя (in time)).

Clerk: Yes, sir, it usually runs in time.

You: (Спросите, с какой платформы?)

Clerk: Platform 5.

You: (Поблагодарите за информацию).

Catching a plane

Exercise 4. Victor Klimenko has to go to London. He is talking buying a ticket. Read, learn the bilateral translation and use the phrases in your dialogues.

Buying a ticket — Good morning. What can I do for you?   — I want to fly to London. Are there any seats available on Wednesday, next week?   — Are you flying alone, sir? — Yes. — What class? — Economy. — Just a moment, sir... I'll check.. yeah... there are a few seats left. — Fine. — What is your name, sir? — Victor Klimenko. — As a rule, we sell Ukrainian citizens return tickets. You can buy an open-date ticket for a journey back.   — O.K. How much is it? — It's one thousand, one hundred and fifty-five grivnas, including airport taxes. — May I pay cash? — Certainly, sir. Here you are. Flight PS501   — What time is the flight due to depart? — It leaves at 8.55 a.m., but you must check in one hour prior to departure, sir.   — And what time does it arrive in London? — 10.30 local time. There's two hours time difference, you know.   — Thank you very much.   Покупка билета — Доброе утро. Чем я могу быть Вам полезен? — Я собираюсь лететь в Лондон. Если у Вас свободные места на среду, на следующей неделе? — Вы летите один? — Да. — Каким классом? — Экономическим. — Одну минуту, сэр... я проверю... да... несколько мест осталось. — Отлично. — Назовите, пожалуйста, свою фамилию. — Виктор Клименко. — Как правило, мы продаем гражданам Украины билеты в оба конца. На обратный рейс Вы можете купить билет с открытой датой. — Хорошо. Сколько это будет стоить? — 1155 гривень, включая сборы в аэропорту. — Можно заплатить наличными? — Конечно, сэр. Вот Ваши билеты. Рейс номер PS501. — Какое время отправления самолета? — 8:55 утра. Но Вы должны зарегистрироваться в аэропорту за час до отправления. — А когда самолет прибывает в Лондон? — В 10:30 по местному времени. Вы наверное знаете, что разница во времени два часа. — Большое спасибо.  

Exercise 5. Where do you go first when you travel by plane? Put these places in the correct order. Write 1-5 on the left. Listen to the conversations. Where are they? Write the letter next to the correct place.

_____passport control______ _____the plane____________

_____the arrival hall________ _____baggage reclaim______

_____the departure lounge __a__ __1__the check-in desk_____

Exercise 6. 1.Read the conversation with your partner.

Agent: May I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. I’d like to buy a ticket to Manila for myself.

- When would you like to leave?

- July 2nd.

- We have a flight at 7.15 p.m.

- Do you have anything in the morning?

- No, I’m sorry.

- OK, then the 7.15 flight is all right.

- Is that one-way or round trip?

- Excuse me. I don’t understand.

- Do you want to stay in Manila or do you want to come back here?

- Oh, I want to stay in Manila.

- That’s a one-way ticket. $1,050, please.

- Here you are.

- Your ticket is for flight #801 at 7.15 p.m.

- Thank you for your help.

  1. Close your text. Try to remember the conversation! In pairs, practise saying it.

Exercise 7. You have to fly from London to Athens, and then to Istanbul, where you have some business appointments. What would you ask the information desk about at the airport?

Можно ли лететь прямо из аэропорта Хитроу в Стамбул?

Каким рейсом Вы полетите?

Когда Вы прибудете в Стамбул?

Сколько это будет Вам стоить?

Спланируйте другие поездки:

из Дамаска до Багдада

из Афин до Анкары

из Афин до Багдада

Сколько они будут стоить?

Exercise 8. Read the dialogue and fill in the missing phrases.

How long are they staying?

Are there any seats available?

When can the tickets come?

When do they plan to leave?

What are the options?

Are there any British Airways flights about that time?

Susan: Grand Tour Agency. Susan Sharp speaking.

Hans: Hello, Susan. This is Hans Bradly. I need to send two our sales managers to Rome next week. ____________?

Susan: OK.______________________________?

Hans: Monday October 14th.

Susan: And if you want to book return flight I must ask you:__________________?

Hans: Four days. They would like to come back on the 17th night._____________?

Susan: Let me have a look. There is a flight at 8.50 p.m. with British Airlines.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 1041 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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