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Hans: ________________________________________________?

Susan: Fortunately, there are. I've just called it up on the screen. Shall I reserve you two right now?

Hans: Yes, please. And make it Business Class, OK? _________?

Susan: In three or four days. I'll send it to you as soon as they arrive.

Exercise 9. Imagine that you are buying plane tickets from London to Kyiv. Translate and act out the dialogue.

Travel agent: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

You: (Поздоровайтесь. Спросите, можно ли купить один билет экономического класса до Киева на вторник, 7 октября).

Travel agent: Let me see... I'm very sorry, sir. There are no seats left for Kiev on Tuesday.

You: (Спросите, остались ли билеты на тот же рейс на среду).

Travel agent: Just a minute, sir... Yes. There are some seats left for Wednesday.

You: (Скажите, что среда Вас устраивает. Спросите, сколько стоит билет и включены ли в стоимость билета сборы в аэропорту).

Travel agent: It's 198 pounds, sir, including airport taxes... Here you are.

You: (Узнайте у агента номер рейса, спросите, когда самолет отбывает из Лондона и когда прибывает в Киев. Поблагодарите агента).

Exercise 10. Read the text and complete the gaps with the given verbs in the correct grammar form using active or passive voice.

arrive keep take check X-ray give search wait call tell board show

When you (a) at an airport, you should go straight to the check-in desk where your ticket and luggage(b).You (c) your hand luggage with you but your suitcases (d) to the plane on a conveyor belt. You can now go to the departure lounge.

If you are on an international flight, your passport (e), and then you and your bags (f) by security cameras; sometimes you (g) a body search and your luggage (h) by a security officer. You (i) in the departure lounge until your flight (j) and you (k) which number gate to go to.

Finally you (l) your plane and you (m) to your seat by a flight attendant.

Exercise 11. Tell about your experience of travelling on business. Do you like travelling on business? What means of transport do you prefer to go by? Expand on it.

Exercise 12. Listen to the conversation and answer the question: Why do you think Mrs. Hall was so worried?

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