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Subject Matter

A good knowledge of the subject matter of the discussion greatly influences the quality of the interpretation. An expert in a highly technical question, if he has sufficient linguistic capacities, may be a very good extempore interpreter. On the other hand, the very best professional interpreter may prove a sad failure if he is totally ignorant of the subject discussed.

Before the beginning of any session it is therefore indispensable to study the subject by a careful perusal not only of the reports and memoranda to be discussed but also of some earlier documents, and even of technical handbooks. With extremely rare exceptions, only what is intelligently understood can be properly interpreted. It is out of the question that a speech on the extraction of hard coal can be properly translated by one who knows nothing about the working of a colliery, or a technical discussion on atomic weapons without some idea at least of nuclear physics.

The interpreter will be well advised to consolidate the result of his preparation by drawing up a glossary of the special words and phrases used by the Commission, both on the subject matter discussed and on its own internal administrative organization. This glossary should be added to throughout the session, whenever new information is gathered on terminology.

Incidentally, it is always helpful to know at least the main lines of the views which the speaker holds on the subject discussed. This affords the best protection against grave mistranslation, which may result for instance from the fact that a negation has not been heard, or even has been inadvertently omitted by the speaker.

Incidentally also, it is always helpful to read the rules of procedure before the session begins, and to know their exact phraseology in the various languages used.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 223 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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