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Informal Two-way Interpretation Without Note-making

This is the interpretation (sometimes called “informal liaison interpreting”) of conversations, interviews, remark exchange in two-way communication, where the situation allows doing without note-taking (or restricts oneself to minimum notes).

From paragraph-phrase interpretation this type of two-way interpretation differs by a big volume of information at a time, more formal circumstances and higher demands to interpretation adequacy.

The interpreter has full right to chose the type of two-way interpretation depending on the demands of circumstances and first of all in order to achieve maximum adequacy with maximum time saving. In some cases this may be PPI or two-way translation without note-taking or with using note-taking, and sometimes combination of both for achieving the highest effect (with functional advantage of each type in the given context taken into account).

Sometimes it might be half-synchronous translation, when interpreter translates almost simultaneously with a speaker, moreover if the interpreter well acquainted with topic, is in excellent professional shape, and the situation of communication allows the appliance of such type of interpretation. Half-synchronous interpretation is resorted to when translating from native language, when there is no difficulty in comprehending language.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 218 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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