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The language of the original speech

A thorough knowledge of the language from which he translates is for the interpreter an absolute requirement. The interpreter who agrees to translate a speech given in a language which he has not mastered is at fault, even if he does so only exceptionally and with the best of charitable intentions. Any departure from this rule is likely to have most regrettable consequences, either for the Assembly which has trusted the interpreter, or for the very reputation and future of the interpreter himself.

Mastery of a language implies more than a full knowledge of its vocabulary and its grammar. One must also be imbued with its spirit, familiar with its traditions, conversant with its sources and its evolution both ancient and modern. One must also be closely acquainted with those literary works which have influenced it, appreciate its sense of humour, know the outstanding names of its history, and sense the nuances of its style as well as its euphemisms and clichés which may have lost their original meaning in part or in whole. A fair knowledge of slang is also highly desirable.

The interpreter, who is not familiar with the Bible, with Shakespeare, and even with John Bunyan and Lewis Caroll, may heavily misunderstand the sense and scope of phrases used in English parlance. The same applies to the Fables of La Fontaine and some of the works of Corneille, Racine, Boileau, etc. for the French language. Phrases like: “A rose by any other name”, “where angels fear to tread”, “ces raisins sont trop verts”, “le roi, l’âne et moi” can have a meaning only for those who know the context. A collection of allusive expressions of this kind would be of considerable use to the aspirant interpreter and to many others as well.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 203 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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