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Official Two-way Interpreting Without Note-taking (Liaison Formal Interpreting)

It is the translation of conversation/interview of two or more people with comparatively short utterances in different languages on a special topic.

Task of interpreter: sharp attention; accurate comprehension of spoken language; correct, clear speaking in native language; idiomatically clear language in English with minimal losses of precision information; conveying different shades of language, correct interpretation of allusions, understanding quotations with basing oneself on basic knowledge, appliance of universal note-taking if necessary.

Factors complicating the interpretation process:

• Official character of communication;

• Great number of figures, terms, proper names and other precision information;

• Careless language of the speaker, elliptical constructions, allusion, intended for knowledge of the interlocutor, sometimes confused articulation – tongue-tie;

• Incorrect use of terms, etc.;

• Reluctance/disability of the speaker to “speak for interpretation”. Take into account the peculiarities of inter-lingual and intercultural communication;

• Maladapted atmosphere, noises, technical disturbances, etc.

Factors which facilitate the process of interpretation:

• Comparatively short utterances;

• Direct participation of the interpreter in conversation, possibility to establish personal contact, sometimes even to clarify and ask to explain unclear points as a last resort, “if worst comes to worst”;

• Audience is not very numerous;

• Possibility to get comfortable with documents, the issue background in advance, etc.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 245 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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