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Physical and emotional aspects of return to performance

The return to performance is either enhanced or negated by the physiological and psychological results of both elements.

3.5. Complete the sentences logically.

1. The athlete has to accept the responsibility for ….

2. The knee injury is now the competitor rather than ….

3. Care should be taken so the athlete does not become ….

4. Some athletes want the sports therapist to be responsible for their ….

5. When the dependent patients no longer receive the special attention they often

lash out in ….

6. This response should be pointed out to the athlete as ….

7. This response needs examination on the part of ….

8. The athlete has to be encouraged and believe in ….

9. All efforts should point toward a ….

3.6. Insert articles if it is necessary.

1. Certain attitudes toward sports have fostered … injury and, more important, reinjury. 2. … phrase "you have to play with pain" has been interpreted more literally to mean that … athlete has to play through … injury. 3. … difference is that some injuries may be mild and only somewhat painful, resulting in no reinjury in competition, whereas … more severe injury is made worse by continuing to compete. 4. The importance of … certified sports trainer to make this decision is obvious.

Competent medical care Courts expect competent medical care to be provided to athletes by a d athletic trainer or physician.

3.7. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

1. Unfortunately, untrained personnel, such is coaches, assume this responsibility when no spore therapist is present or when the sports therapist easily intimidated … the coach and not backed up … the athletic director. 2. Either situation results … poor medical care and leaves the management vulnerable to legal action as a result … negligence. 3. Courts expect competent medical care to be pro- vided … the athletes. 4. That care can be provided on … a qualified sports therapist or a physician. 5. Players who feel that a missed practice or game will relegate them to the bench … the year or those who have been encouraged to play no matter what are candidates … injury and reinjury.

3.8. Translate the following into English.

1. Психологические факторы влияют на распространенность травм, реакции на травмы и процесс восстановления. 2. Такие психологические факторы, как стресс, могут быть предпосылками травм спортсменов и занимающихся. 3. Специалисты в области физической культуры и спорта должны выявлять условия, предрасполагающие к травме, особенно у людей с низким уровнем социальной поддержки и недостаточными уровнями развития умений и навыков справляться с жизненными стрессовыми ситуациями. 4. При выявлении высоких уровней стресса необходимо использовать специальные методы, направленные на снятие стресса, а также внести соответствующие изменения в тренировочный процесс. 5. Спортсмены должны научиться отличать естественный дискомфорт, обусловленный тренировочными нагрузками, от боли, обусловленной повреждением. 6. Они должны понимать, что отношение к занятиям по принципу «без боли нет успеха» может привести к травмам.

3.9. Give a talk on the text “It is the Athlete’s Injury”.

IV. Listening Comprehension Text

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 318 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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