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Psychological Considerations

I. Listen, read, translate, and remember the key words and phrases on the unit.

a) injury, distress, lack, acceptance, pain, condition, competitor, opponent, patient,

welfare, whim, command, failure, staff, anger, frustration, response, restriction,

detriment, guidelines, effort, negligence, sign, challenge, concern, slogan, scheme, behaviour, praise, reward, consideration, adjustment, attitude, performance; personnel; maturation, denial, anger, depression, acceptance, empathy, thinking, adherence, establishment, opportunity, commonplace, consequence, value, disbelief, brunt, release, frustration, blotter, treatment, outsider, stands, anxiety, success, resolution; commitment, attitude, soul, self-concept, self-confidence, support, encouragement, nightmare, doubt, emergence, escape, courage, identity, embarrassment, fear

b) to sustain, to recover, to worry, to fail, to lay, to cause, to attend, to maintain, to

get through, to reach, to accept, to deal, to encourage, to demand, to result in, to

deserve, to lash out, to head off, to point, to push, to believe, to enhance, to view, to negate, to foster, to interpret; to plague, to incorporate, to misinterpret, to revamp, to reinforce, to monitor, to remain, to manage, to determine, to adjust, to require, to guide, to cope with, to achieve, to vent, to bear, to seek, to aggravate, to reason, to regain, to swing, to interrelate, to bargain, to slack off, to solidify, to drop, to avoid, to comprise, to ignore, to cure, to suffer, to adapt, to hurt, to revolve, to discourage, to relish

c) ruptured, recent, considerable, hectic, dependent, firmly, inappropriate, proud,

continual, available, literally, painful, severe, obvious, vulnerable, intimidated,

legal, awful, intolerable, far, ached, occasional, chronic, healthy, excited, same, certain, possible, integral, irrational, extremely, speedy, prolonged, minimal, early, anxious, isolated, lonely, imminent, merely, further, initial, rarely, shrugged, upset, alike, exact, evident, current, self-confident, mild, moderate, proper, inner, ready, career-threatening, disastrous, high-salaried

d) ahead, because of, within, through, whereas, versus, between, whenever, toward, however, whoever, wherever, whom, whereas, nowhere, within

e) Achilles tendon; floor exercise; physical therapy session; to take\assume responsibility; to take care; to be responsible; to meet need; to take advantage; at the sacrifice; in terms of; with wishful thinking; overuse injuries; as opposed to; to set goals; “no pain, no gain”; “Train hard and smart”; life’s stressful events; to take into consideration; on the part of; to have a direct bearing; injury management; relaxation training; though stoppage; visual rehearsal; emotional rehearsal; body rehearsal; interpersonal relationships; short-and long-term realistic goals; to come down; to exert power; to have access; You have said it; if needs arise above the abilities; It goes without saying

II. Listening comprehension text.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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