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Psychological Considerations for rehabilitation

Athletes do not deal with injuries in the same way. The sports therapist has to understand their views of injury. The manner in which the sports therapist manages these athletes often determines their time away from the sport. Life's stressful events play an important role in the adjustment to a certain system or coach. The successful program takes this factor into consideration and adjusts to the individual player whenever possible. Attitudes on the part of coaches and staff have a direct bearing on the performance of the athlete. These personnel direct the athlete in the right direction for successful maturation and athletic competition. After injury the athlete must adjust to denial, anger, depression, and acceptance. Each phase requires empathy on the part of all rehabilitation personnel. The athlete must take responsibility for the injury and deal with it as such. Guiding the athlete toward this goal is an integral part in injury management. Irrational thinking on the part of the athlete is natural after injury. The role of rehabilitation personnel is to change this thinking through such strategies as relaxation training, thought stoppage, visual rehearsal, emotional rehearsal, and body rehearsal. The interpersonal relationships of the athlete and sports therapist are highly important and often the key to the return for the athlete. Coping with the injury and adherence to the rehabilitation program are extremely important, is the establishment of short- and long-term realistic goals.

5.1. Listen to the text “Psychological Considerations for Rehabilitation”.

5.2. Read and translate the text.

5.3. Answer the questions to the text.

5.4. Find English equivalents in the text for the following.

иметь дело с; когда бы ни; конкретный/определенный; успешный; точка зрения/восприятие; определять/решать; время отлучения от спорта; приспособляемость; стрессовые явления; долгосрочный, чрезвычайно важный; персонал; принимать во внимание/ учитывать; отношение со стороны тренеров; неотъемлемая часть; отношение; выступление; уклонение /отказ; злость; депрессия; принятие; требовать; цель; сочувствие/сопереживание; принимать ответственность; направлять/вести; ход мысли/мнение; визуализация или идеомоторные акты; тренировка релаксации; положительная внутренняя речь; одинаково; возможный; достижение успешного полного развития; межличностные отношения; справиться/совладать; приверженность/соблюдение; стрессовые жизненные ситуации; организация лечения травмы

5.5. Complete the sentences.

  possible situations; feels; closely; four, speedy; the best opportunity; career; commonplace; will be fine; the injury  

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 312 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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