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It is the athlete's injury

The athlete who has reached the acceptance phase should take the responsibility for the injury. It is not the sports therapist's injury. The athlete has to accept the responsibility for the pain and the condition and deal with it. At this time the athlete is

encouraged to transfer the time and energy given to the sport into the rehabilitation process. The athlete has to become an active and not a passive participant. The knee injury is now the competitor rather than the next week's opponent. Care should be taken so the athlete does not become a dependent patient. Some athletes want the sports therapist to be responsible for their welfare and to meet their every need at their whim and command. They demand more time be spent on them. Failure of one staff member to meet their demands results in their selecting a staff member who will meet their demands. Staff members with the greatest need to help others will be easily taken advantage of at the sacrifice of time needed for other athletes.

When these dependent patients no longer receive the special attention they feel they deserve, they often lash out in anger or frustration. The sports therapist needs to head off this response by firmly explaining the restrictions on time and what is required of the athlete in terms of rehabilitation. This response should be pointed out to the athlete as inappropriate and needs examination on the part of the sports therapist and the athlete if it becomes a continual problem, since it is only a detriment to recovery.

The athlete is guided in rehabilitation but must push within these guidelines. The athlete has to be encouraged and believe in future success. All efforts should point toward a positive result with the athlete working with what is available and not with wishful thinking.

3.1. Listen to the text “It is the Athlete’s Injury”.

3.2. Read and translate the text “It is the Athlete’s Injury”.

3.3. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Should the athlete who has reached the acceptance phase take the responsibility for the injury? 2. Where is the athlete encouraged to transfer the time and energy to? 3. What kind of participant does the athlete have to become? 4. Is the knee injury now a problem of the competitor or the next week's opponent? 5. What should be taken so the athlete does not become a dependent patient? 6. What do some athletes expect from the sports therapist? 7. What happens with dependent patients if they no longer receive the special attention? 8. In what way can the sports therapist help such athletes? 9. Where should all efforts point toward?

3.4. Find English equivalents from the text for the words below.

переносить/перемещать; зависимый; травма колена; соперник/конкурент; осторожность; легко; принятие желаемого за действительное; реакция; быть направленным на; нести ответственность; принимать/допускать/признавать; поощрять/поддерживать; усилие; ограничение; неуместный/неподходящий; со стороны; препятствовать/мешать; боль; пожертвовав чем-либо; придерживаться рамок рекомендаций; руководить/ направлять; разразиться гневом или впасть в отчаяние; долее не получать особого внимания; пользоваться преимуществами; неудача/провал; персонал; отвечать требованиям; благополучие/благоденствие; приводить к; соблюдать осторожность; прихоть/каприз; заслуживать; настойчиво обряснять; ущерб/вред

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 277 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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