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Protocols for use of drugs by sports therapists

- Who is responsible for screening of athlete’s injuries?
- The sports therapist is often responsible for initial screening of athletes who present various illnesses/injuries.
- Do sports therapists prescribe any medications to injured athletes?
- Frequently, the sports therapists must make decisions regarding the appropriate use of over-the-counter medications for their athletes.
- I see, that is why subjunctive findings such as onset, duration, medication taken, and known allergies must be included in the screening evaluation.
- You have said it. The following protocols should be vied as guidelines to the disposition of the athlete.
- What are the protocols aimed at?
- The protocols are aimed at clarifying the use of over-the-counter drugs in the treatment of common problems encountered by the sports therapist while covering or travelling with a particular team.
- Do these guidelines concern all the athlete’s physical problems?
- These guidelines do not cover every situation the sports therapist encounters in assessing and managing the athlete’s physical problem.
- Is there any need in consultation with a physician here?
- Therefore physician consultation is recommended whenever there is uncertainty in making a decision regarding the appropriate care of the athlete.

3.11. Translate the following into English.

Целями Всемирной антидопинговой программы и Кодекса являются:

· Защищать фундаментальное право спортсменов участвовать в соревнованиях, свободных от допинга и, таким образом, защищать здоровье, обеспечивать честный подход и равные условия для спортсменов всего мира и

· Проводить в жизнь гармоничные, согласованные и эффективные антидопинговые программы на международном и национальном уровнях с целью обнаружения, искоренения и профилактики употребления допинга.

Всемирная антидопинговая программа включает в себя все элементы, необходимые для обеспечения максимальной согласованности и передовой практики в международных и национальных антидопинговых программах. Основными составляющими программы являются: Уровень 1: Кодекс; Уровень 2: Международные стандарты; Уровень 3: Лучшие образцы практической реализации.

Кодекс – это основополагающий и универсальный документ, на котором базируется Всемирная антидопинговая программа в спорте. Целью кодекса является развитие антидопинговых программ посредством приведения в соответствие основных антидопинговых документов. Он составлен таким образом, чтобы быть достаточно специфичным в вопросах, требующих единых стандартов, и вместе с тем достаточно общим в других областях, что позволит достаточно гибко вводить в действие согласованные антидопинговые принципы.

3.12. Give a talk on the text “Drug Testing”.

IV. Oral topic XV

  PHARMACOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN A REHABILITATION PROGRAM   An athlete who requires an analgesic for pain relief should be given acetaminophen because aspirin may produce gastric upset and slow clotting time. For treating inflammation, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal antiflammatory agents) are recommended because they do not produce many of the side effects associated with aspirin use. Antihistamines are used primarily in the treatment of allergic reactions and may produce drowsiness and sedation. Decongestants are used to reduce nasal congestion and may be used orally or topically. Antitussives and expectorants are used to suppress coughing and keep the throat moist. They generally produce drowsiness, gastric irritability, and some lack of coordination. Antacids neutralize acidity in the upper GI tract and may produce diarrhea or constipation. Antiemetics are used to treat nausea and vomiting and should be used with large quantities of fluid to prevent dehydration. Antidiarrheals act to reduce peristaltic action in the lower GI tract and may produce drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. Cathartics are used to empty the GI tract and reduce constipation. Antibiotics are used to treat various infections and may produce hypersensitivity reactions in the athlete. Generally an athlete who is using an antibiotic should avoid training and competition until the infection subsides. The use of medication in a sports-medicine setting should be subject to strict preestablished guidelines and protocols and monitored closely by the sports therapist supervising a rehabilitation program. The sports therapist should maintain a log that documents all medications being administered during a rehabilitation program. The sports therapist must be aware of medications commonly used in treatment of various disorders that may be detected in a drug test as banned substances.  

4.1. Listen to the text of the oral topic “Pharmacological Considerations in a Rehabilitation Program”.

4.2. Read and translate the text.

4.3. Find English equivalents for the following.

антидопинговый контроль, выявить/обнаружить, различные нарушения,

запрещенные вещества, осознавать, назначенные/принимаемые лекарства, документировать, вести журнал учета, осуществляющий реабилитационную программу спортивный врач, применение лекарственных препаратов в контексте спортивной медицины, подчиняться/ следовать строго установленным предписаниям и протоколу, до тех пор пока не, избегать, понос, нейтрализовать кислотность, убывать/ утихать, инфекция, повышенная чувствительность / аллергия, желудочно-кишечный тракт, уменьшить/сократить, запор, сухость во рту, тошнота, сонливость, нижний, катартический/вызывающий активную перистальтику кишечника, опорожнить, действовать, перистальтический, некоторое нарушение координации, в общем, подавлять кашель, увлажнять горло, противокашлевое, отхаркивающее, местный/топический, противоотечное /противозастойное средство, носовой, закупорка/застой, болеутоляющее, желудочное недомогание/нарушение, успокоение, прежде всего/главным образом, побочные эффекты, производить/оказывать, для лечения воспалений, снижать/замедлять, свертывание/сгущение, нестероидные антивоспалительные агенты, сопутствующий/ассоциированный, большое количество жидкости, предотвращать, обезвоживание, орально, желудочная раздражимость

4.4. Answer the questions.

1. What analgesic is usually given to an athlete for pain relief? 2. Why is

aspirin not preferable here? 3. Why are NSAIDs recommended for treating inflammation? 4. For what kind of treatment are antihistamines generally used? 5. What side effects may they produce? 6. By means of what remedies can nasal congestion be reduced? 7. What is used to suppress coughing and to keep the throat moist? 8. What side effects do they commonly produce? 9. What neutralizes acidity in the upper GL? 10. What side effects may they produce? 11. What pharmacology is used to treat nausea and vomiting? 12. Why should large quantities be used here? 13. How do antidiarrheals act? 14. For what treatment are cathartics used? 15. Antibiotics are used to treat various infections, aren’t they? 16. May they produce hypersensitivity reactions in the athlete or not? 17. How long should an athlete avoid training and competition there? 18. How should the use of medication in a sports-medicine consider? 19. Why should the sports therapist maintain a log? 20. Why must the sports therapist be aware of medications commonly used in treatment of various disorders?

4.5. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

  basophils; receptor sites; neurotransmitter; major; in response to  

1. Antihistamines reduce the effects of the chemical histamine on various tissues by selectively blocking … … to which histamines attach. 2. Histamine is abundant in the mast cells of the skin and lungs and in the … of blood. 3. It is also found in the gastrointestinal tract and in the brain, where it acts as …. 4. Histamine is released … … … some toxin, physical or chemical agent, drug, or antigen that has been introduced into the system. 5. Thus it has a … function in many allergic or hypersensitivity reactions.

4.6. Open the brackets and use the verb in a proper tense form.

1. Antihistamines most typically (use) in the treatment of allergic reactions but (may, use) also as an antiemetic in the prevention of nausea and vomiting. 2. Histamine (produce) a number of systemic responses: (1) swelling and inflammation in the skin or mucous membranes (angioedema), spasm of smooth bronchial muscle (asthma), (3) inflammation of nasal membranes (rhinitis), and (4) the possibility of anaphylaxis. 3. These responses in varying degrees (be) typical of allergic reactions to insect stings, food reactions, drug hypersensitivities, and anything else that (may, facilitate) the release of histamine. 4. Histamine (produce) these reactions by binding with the cells that (compose) the various tissues at specific receptor sites. 5. An antihistamine medication (can, block) competitively these receptor sites and thus prevent the typical histamine response.

4.7. Insert the articles if necessary.

1. Drugs that suppress coughing are … antitussives. 2. Coughing is … reflex

response to some irritation of the throat or airway. 3. … cough is productive if some material is brought up. 4. This type of … cough is beneficial in clearing excessive mucus or sputum. 5. … unproductive cough may be caused by post-nasal drip, dry air, … sore throat, or anything else that may irritate … throat. 6. … unproductive cough is of no benefit and should be treated with medication. 7. If … cause of the cough is … dry or … sore throat, … expectorant medication may be used to increase production of fluid in … respiratory system to coat … dry and irritated mucosal linings.

4.8. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

1. The gastrointestinal tract is subject … numerous disturbances and disorders that are probably among the most common human ailments. 2. The ailments include indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation problems that virtually everyone has experienced … one time or another. 3. Because … factors such as the stress associated … competition, inconsistent travel schedules, eating patterns on road trips, and even motion sickness during travel, the athlete is even more likely to experience gastric upset.

4.9. Ask questions to the words in italic.

1. The primary function of an antacid is to neutralize acidity in the upper GI tract

by raising the pH, inhibiting the activity of the digestive enzyme pepsin, and thus reducing its action on the gastric mucosal nerve endings. 2. Antacids are effective not only for relief of acid indigestion and heart burn but also in the treatment of peptic ulcer. 3. Antacids available in the market possess a wide range of acid neutralizing capabilities and side effects. 4. The sports therapist has to be aware of these side effects when selecting a specific antacid preparation. 5. One of the commonly used antacid preparations is sodium bicarbonate or baking soda, which quickly neutralizes hydrochloric acid and yields carbon dioxide gas and water.

4.10. Have a dictation.

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